5 Reviews
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Laura on 6.15.2011

I first made this salad for a luncheon on Easter of this year. I’ve made it numerous times since, and it always receives rave reviews. I just made it again last night for a work function today. I’ve used rotisserie chicken like the recipe calls for, but have also used regular chicken tenderloins that I cubed and cooked, as well as canned chicken breast; it turns out great every time. The hint of basil and the red onion provide great flavor without being overpowering, and the sweetness of the grapes tops it all off. One of my favorite, quick and easy recipes that makes a TON.
Lindsay on 7.7.2010

This was delicious! I made it last night for some company and everyone went for seconds. Perfect for a hot night…sadly there was nothing left over. I might make it again tonight. I used sweet red onions (a little more than it called for) and it didn’t taste overpowering at all.
rachelinmpls on 6.9.2010

My family enjoyed this salad. I did find, though, that the onions were a bit overpowering. If I make this again, I think I’ll try adding a bit of orange juice as a previous commenter suggested.
Lindi on 6.7.2010

Loved this salad. I did half the recipe though, which I am glad I did, it still made lots of salad.
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kerryscookin on 2.20.2011
This is wonderful! My husband thinks that the red onion makes the recipe while I really like the grapes.
Brit on 4.6.2010
This recipe has replaced my old chix salad recipe. Everyone loved it this weekend. The only things I did different was eliminate the bell pepper and mixed about 2 tablespoons of frozen orange juice concentrate into the dressing… it gave some sweetness to balance the onion. The red and green onion gave it great flavor! Perfect on butter croissants.