There are amazing recipes all over the internets—impressive cakes and cookies, pies galore, delicious pasta dishes, fantastic dinner ideas, and so much more. But what has had me a little stumped were homemade crackers. Homemade crackers? Who in the world has time to make homemade crackers? They looked like they’d be difficult and totally something I wouldn’t be able to pull off. But when these Homemade Goldfish Crackers from Erin popped up here on Tasty Kitchen, I decided to try my hand at them.
Let me tell ya, they were pretty darn easy. And cheesy, too. The recipe was adapted from ReadyMade magazine and it’s totally a fun little cooking project to do with kids. My children are older now, but when they were younger this would have been a great rainy day project to have them join in on. There are only five ingredients with very little prep. The cutting takes a little more time but that’s where the fun for the kids comes in. Use itty bitty cookie cutters, icing tips or make your own cookie cutter shapes out of an aluminum can (see below). The crackers puff up to a chewy, cheesy bite.
Wanna see how?
Before getting started, decide on what shapes you’ll be cutting out. Using an aluminum can and tape, I cut a thin strip and formed my fishy, then taped the edges together with clear packing tape.
I had so much fun I couldn’t stop, and made a Pac-Man and a football. The ideas for shapes you could create are endless! Large icing tips and small cookie cutters work well, too.
You’ll need just a few simple ingredients: shredded cheese, butter, flour, salt and cold water. That’s it!
Begin combining everything, except the water, in a food processor until the dough looks like sand.
Next, pulse in the water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until combined.
Remove the dough from the processor and form into a small, tidy package. Wrap in plastic and chill for 20 minutes.
Once chilled, roll out the dough. I found the thinner the dough, the crispier the cracker.
Now, the cutting fun begins!
Place crackers on a lined cookie sheet and bake at 350°F for about 15 minutes. I began with little fishies.
Then moved on to the footballs and then the Pac-Man (or Mrs. Pac-Man).
Aren’t they cute? They puff up a tad, resulting in a chewy, cheesy cracker.
Look! Pac-Man is after a fish.
Have fun with this one y’all! I enjoyed making these and I think you will too. Get creative and let the kids join in!
Thanks Erin for submitting this darling recipe. I felt like a kid again! Be sure to check out Erin’s blog, Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts, for more of her recipes.
Printable Recipe

Your favorite fish cracker made at home – and it is SUPER easy.
- 8 ounces, weight Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Shredded
- 4 Tablespoons Butter, Cut Into Cubes
- 1 cup Flour
- ¾ teaspoons Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Cold Water
Preparation Instructions
Pulse everything (except water) together in the food processor until the dough resembles coarse sand.
Pulse in water, 1 tablespoon at a time.
Remove dough from the processor, wrap in plastic, and chill for 20 minutes.
Roll out the dough and cut into desired shapes. You can use a toothpick to make the eyes and smile if desired. Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes, or until crispy.
Makes approximately 7 dozen crackers.
Amy Johnson is a blogger who writes about food, travel, the home (both inside and out), and various observations and random musings about anything and everything. Visit her blog She Wears Many Hats for a dose of deliciousness, practicality, hilarity, or just plain fun. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and two children.
Comments are closed for this recipe.
Beth on 12.24.2011
Would love a tip on WHAT particular food processor to buy for my kitchen. I’m clueless.. Suggestions PLEASE?! ;o) From anyone? Would love to make these cheese fish crackers, things like Pesto, Pita Bread and every other little recipe that suggests ‘food processor’ in the recipe process. HELP PLEASE. ♥ Thank you!
Kerri on 12.21.2011
Very neat idea!! Have any of the posters about dairy-free versions had any luck? We live in Canada, but we have found Daiya cheese (‘cheddar’ & ‘mozza’ – supposed to melt & string like cheese) and Earth Balance hard ‘butter/margarine’ sticks – nervous about trying them! They are pricy, so would hate to have a batch fail (and super disappointed boys!!)
Lena on 12.1.2011
Just made mine. I guess it would be pizza-like if you added some origano.
T.J. on 11.27.2011
yum. Just made a batch, and they were easy and good. My kid will be lucky if she gets any ha ha ha. I’ll definitely be experimenting with some “grown up” cheeses to see what happens.
Dawn on 10.12.2011
Thanks so much for this recipe! I made them this morning and they are irresistably delicious! I am not sure if there will be any left before my husband gets home!
David Leite on 10.12.2011
Honestly, I am running out now to buy the ingredients. This are fabulous looking. And the shot of all the fish lined up so perfectly on the sheet pan–a woman after my own heart. (Is it okay to say my thighs shivered when I saw that?)
Lisa Ward on 10.12.2011
thank you. i love being able to make my kids’ favorite snacks homemade.
★ SAM ★ on 9.24.2011
I made these without a food processor, and blogged them =]
Emily on 9.13.2011
Man do those ever look good. Really wanna try them but you didn’t put any quantities which messes me up since i’m a new cook. on 9.13.2011
great idea about making the goldfish shape out of an aluminum can.
Julie Warren on 9.13.2011
how much of each ingredient do i use? i want to make these super tastey fishey pac man homemade crackers but u didn’t tell me how much butter to use! i really want to know! please respond quickly! this is an emergency! like i need it stat doctor! ASAP!! thank you and have a spectacular day
i love you and the fishey crackers!
Felicia on 9.9.2011
Adorable! Interestingly, I didn’t see those little wheels as PacMan at first — I thought they were meant to be little wheels of cheese with a slice taken out! I’ll have to try these.
laura h. on 9.8.2011
Hope this is one of the recipes in your new cookbook for people to include kids in baking. Maybe a cookbook for kids next with simple fun recipes with the picures and directions?
Megan on 9.8.2011
Oh these look soooo fun and adorable!!!!!!!! We go through goldfish like crazy! How long will they last in a container? and do they need to be refrigerated? Cant wait to try these!!!!
dorothy on 9.8.2011
the cutter is INGENIUOS. I was looking for a particular cutter and now I need to try my hand at this…the little cookies are adorable…and look yummy
ellenb on 9.8.2011
Just made these with my daycare kids!!!! Used 1/2 cup white and 1/2 cup wheat flour, forgot the salt and sprinkled it on the top of the dough. They are so good and one of the three year olds said “tastes like a cheese-it” This one is a winner! Thanks so much
Jems Smith on 9.8.2011
Thank you for the step by step instructions. Though it looks intimidating, well, am confident to try it because of your clear explanation.
Pam on 9.7.2011
This looks like a lot of work to reap only gold fish crackers, though I am sure they will taste a billion times better than the store-bought ones. Thanks for showing us how.
Gwen @SimplyHealthyFamily on 9.7.2011
So fun! I made a version of these a few weeks ago but with sweet potato ‘snuck’ in as well. I didn’t have the patience for the itty bitty cutters but found a cute fish cookie cutter that was perfect for 2 bite crackers.
Maddledaddle on 9.7.2011
These are also easy to make gluten-free (just change the flour for rice flour)! I use a mix of wholewheat and white flour to make them a little “healthier!”
Angela Bryant on 9.7.2011
Can you make these with alternative cheeses? My daughter is lactose intolerant.
Shannon on 9.7.2011
I just made these tonight and they are soooo good! My kids loved them which is THE most important thing… keeps me from eating them all. My 11 yr old had to put them away to keep me from them. What a reversal of roles.
momof12 on 9.7.2011
My kids love those little crackers, but they are so expensive! Thanks for a recipe…I think I’ll try to make some. How big can they get before they don’t cook in the center? I have some small cookie cutters, about an inch to an inch and a half across.
Laurie - Simply Scratch on 9.7.2011
Genius!! These are too cute!
Amy | She Wears Many Hats on 9.7.2011
Hey Cathy!
While the edges of the can are sharp, I didn’t have to press hard enough for it to cut me. If concerned, I would, especially if you’re working with kids, cover the end that isn’t doing the cracker cutting business with tape to avoid any scratches.
Happy cracker cutting!
~ Miss Amy
Cathy on 9.6.2011
Okay one question. How do you keep the can from cutting you? Isn’t the metal sharp when you cut it like that?
I love this idea! I like the idea of making custom crackers for a party.
MJ Hepburn on 9.6.2011
Oh my! These look so good! And cute! I love cheese, and I love crackers. Wonderful cheesy little crackers!
Jessica on 9.6.2011
Those are super cute!
Tanya on 9.6.2011
So cute!! I need to try these!
Tanya on 9.6.2011
I wasn’t planning on baking anything. Spring cleaning was on the cards today, but after seeing this I won’t be able to resist to include a baking hour or two while spring cleaning!! These will be perfect for lunchbox snacks to school & work.
Gloria on 9.6.2011
Too cute!! Definitely need to try this recipe, looks much healthier than the goldfish crackers you buy at the grocery store. Think I’ll add a pinch of cayenne for grown-up zip, or maybe make them with pepper-jack cheese.
Christine on 9.6.2011
I made these with my kids this morning. They love them! I thought they were a little salty. Could have been the cheese I had on hand. But overall, a great success.
Katrina on 9.6.2011
Eeeep! I love this idea!! So cute.
Tambur on 9.6.2011
I am makin’ me some goldfish! We are currently living overseas where we have NOTHING like this. Can’t wait to surprise the kiddos.
kathy on 9.6.2011
Looks to me like lining them up on the baking sheet would be the hardest part! They do look delishious!
kristen on 9.6.2011
Does anyone know the approximate shelf life for these? And, is an air-tight container the best way to store? Thanks!
Laura on 9.6.2011
I’ve made a very similar recipe made with parmesan cheese and a pinch of cayenne. Delish! Any hard or semi-hard cheese will work. Nothing softer than cheddar, though. This is one recipe that the shaker dust parmesan is actually better than the good stuff.
Also, being basically lazy, I just cut the crackers into triangles, squares or diamonds. No waste, no re-rolling.
Amber S. on 9.6.2011
Oh. My. Were these easy and good. Ours are hearts becuase I couldn’t put my fingers on the rest of the “tiny” cookie cutters, but equally cute and delish! My 3-year old loved helping, and my 5-year old loved them with lunch on this, her first day of school! Thanks for the easy peasy recipe!
Andrea L. Arnold on 9.6.2011
AWESOME!! I love it. I’m definitely going to try this!!
Launette W. on 9.6.2011
My kids are grown, but love Cheese its with tobasco. I think I will try to make them with a little tobasco sauce thrown in.
KendraM on 9.6.2011
OMG!!! This is wonderful!!!!!!!! WOW!!! Cannot wait to try this!!! Thanks for the post!
Kelly A on 9.6.2011
A great way to make a kid favorite without all the addatives, preservatives, and fake food coloring!
Chris on 9.6.2011
They have to be Pac-Man and not Ms Pac-Man’s because she had a bow on her head!
roseann on 9.6.2011
oh wow i was going to do graham crackers tonight for my grandsons, now i think i will do these!
Angeerah on 9.6.2011
I think I might adapt this for my son who has a dairy allergy and try non-dairy melting “cheese” and non-dairy butter. Thanks!
Trista on 9.6.2011
What a creative idea to make your own cut outs using soda cans!
I’m going to have to try this recipe sometime!
Michelle on 9.6.2011
I love goldfish crackers, they are my one splurge in the cracker isle. I love the DIY cookie cutters, I will give it a whirl!
Travis Cotton on 9.6.2011
My 5 year old LOVES goldfish crackers but they are kind of expensive. Im definitely going to try this recipe.
Susan on 9.6.2011
@Anna, I bet whole wheat flour would work just fine and make for a healthier snack.
Crinoline on 9.6.2011
I haven’t even made these yet, and I’m already thinking of variations. Whole wheat flour. A little cayenne pepper. Nutmeg. Or maybe dried herbs like oregano and tarragon.