The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
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Strawberry Ham Panini

Posted by in Kitchen Talk, Looks Delicious!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Strawberry Ham Brie Panini. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

If you celebrated Easter this past Sunday and served a centerpiece ham, you must have leftover ham sitting in your fridge. By now, you’re probably a little tired of the usual: ham sandwiches, egg ‘n’ ham, ham casserole, etc. Or perhaps you’ve already banished the remaining ham to the freezer?!

So yesterday, Erika posted The Theme is…Grilled Cheese! and I thought I’d play off the warm sandwich idea and make a panini with leftover Easter ham, strawberries and brie cheese, an idea my little eye spied in Southern Living Magazine.

I also threw in some arugula growing in my backyard (which grows like a weed! My goodness, I can’t keep up with the arugula production at my home!) and spread some raspberry habanero jelly from this lovely lady who makes them in small batches.

So imagine this:

Slightly salty ham + sweet fresh strawberries + melty oozy brie + a gentle spicy sweet heat + satisfying crunch of the bread

I think your leftover ham would be darn proud to be in this sandwich!

What’s in this Strawberry Ham Brie Panini:

1 brie wheel
good crusty Italian bread
nice thick slices ham
big ol’ handful of baby arugula
fresh strawberries, sliced
raspberry habanero pepper jelly (or pepper jelly of your choice)

I know you probably have even better ideas for leftover ham. Send ‘em on this way!


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!


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Easter Feast!

Posted by in Holidays, Looks Delicious!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Easter Feast. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

Many of you who are the organized, early planners probably have your Easter feast all figured out already, down to napkin colors, wine selection and which unlucky person has to sit next to crazy Uncle Teddy.

Then there are some of us who frantically throw things together at the last minute, hopping around the kitchen with pots going cling! clang! clunk! Slinging stuff in the oven, slinging it back out of the oven and having the kitchen look like a war zone.

Yes, that’s normally me.

But not this year. And it’s only because I’ll be celebrating Easter on the airplane from California to Florida. It was the cheapest airfare available and with a family of 4, I opted for lugging ham sandwiches on the plane vs. paying an extra $800 in fares.

So, my contribution to Easter this year will be to help you, my dear friends, with side dish ideas. It’s only Thursday, which means you have another 2 days left of planning!

Alright, so are some fabulous Easter side dish ideas that I’ve chosen for you …

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Easter Feast. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.Clockwise from top left: Squash Red Pepper Pilaf from theparsleythief, Sweet Potato Delight from big2beautiful, Cauliflower Au Gratin from bell’alimento, Roasted Vegetable Tart from The Country Cook, Rosemary Roasted Potatoes from Jerseycook, Puffed Broccoli from twosoutherngirls, Green Bean Casserole from Carrie of Deliciously Organic, and Cheesy Leeks from Three Many Cooks.

What are you having on your table for Easter dinner? Send more ideas this way!


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!


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Globalize Your Pizza

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Globalize Your Pizza. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

Restaurant chains like California Pizza Kitchen or Wolfgang Puck’s make a killing out of gourmet pizza creations, and it is pretty fun to explore different flavor combinations that veer off the standard pepperoni and cheese combo. The problem is, most of these gourmet pizza creations are not by the slice. So, if you’ve got a family of four, you’re pretty much stuck with ordering just one or two … and most likely if you’ve got a husband like mine, one of them is bound to be sausage and pepperoni.

Instead of going out to eat pizza, we have pizza parties at home. I know many of you love to make your own pizza dough; sometimes when you’re pinched for time or are lazy (me), another alternative is to buy pre-made flatbreads or naan bread. The naan flatbread is personally my favorite. It’s got that nice satisfying chew similar to pizza crust.

I’ll lay out an entire table full of aspiring pizza toppings, and each person can make their own mini pizza. The kids have a blast assembling their own me!me!mine!domyself! dinner (are your kids in that stage too?).

My husband … well … he’s forced to go all wild and crazy with artisan pepperoni and chicken-apple sausage. What a good sport—he plays along anyway—but I know he’s thinking: “Meat. Woman. Just want plain meat.”

So I wanted to throw out a few global pizza ideas for toppings. All of them start with flatbread brushed with olive oil all over, which is then baked in the oven for 7-10 minutes at 400F.

Japanese (photo above)
Sauté a combo of thinly sliced shallots and Japanese mushrooms, like enoki, white beech, shiitake, or king trumpet with a little butter and a touch of soy sauce. Assemble the pizza with a base of shredded cheese and then sauteed mushrooms. Bake and then sprinkle julienned shiso leaf (or a basil/mint combo) on top. Shiso is a Japanese fresh herb also known as perilla.

Saute chicken breast strips with a bit of soy sauce and honey. Assemble the pizza with cheese of choice, then chicken. Bake and top with chopped peanuts, crunchy fresh bean sprouts and fresh cilantro.

Brush a thin layer of harissa sauce (a Moroccan red pepper sauce that you can find at gourmet markets) and cheese of choice. Add whole roasted garlic, olives, sliced red bell peppers and maybe sliced dried apricots that have been rehydrated in warm water (and drained). Bake.

Hmmm … how about sauté sausage with bell peppers and onions, then assemble the pizza with cheese, followed by the sausage/peppers. Bake and before serving, drizzle just a bit of chimichurri sauce on top.

Tell me more! I want to hear your global pizza ideas!

Here’s a list of countries. GO!


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!


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Magical Butter Sauce

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Magical Butter Sauce. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

I think everyone should have a magical butter sauce recipe up their sleeves. One that you can pull out of a hat in an instant, without even looking the recipe up.

Don’t know what to make for dinner and don’t have time to think? Take any ingredient, sear, steam, broil, grill or even microwave … and pour the magical butter sauce on top. Bam!

Instant delicious.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Magical Butter Sauce. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

I have several magical butter sauce recipes, and I discovered one yesterday that so far, I’ve had with four different dishes. Yes, in the past 24 hours, I’ve already paired it with pan-seared salmon (first photo), steamed asparagus, grilled artichoke halves and microwaved green beans.

That’s how magical it is!

What? You want me to share? Oh of course!

The magical butter sauce is derived from a brand new cookbook that I got called Southern Living Farmers Market Cookbook. Of course, they don’t call it magical butter sauce, but that’s my name for it, and I’m sticking with it!

Magical Butter Sauce Recipe

In a microwave safe bowl, melt 1/3 cup butter. Add 2 tablespoons fruit preserves (apricot, mango-jalapeno, blackberry, etc.), 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, a good turn of the pepper mill and a generous pinch of salt.

Pour this over whatever your little heart desires.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Magical Butter Sauce. Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

And then tuck this simple little recipe in your mind’s recipe box, right between your killer cocktail and spaghetti ‘n meatballs recipe. There, you’ll always have it now!

Do you have a favorite magical sauce recipe you can divulge? One that is simple yet tastes good on everything?


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!


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Secret Tricks to Skirt Steak

Posted by in Kitchen Talk, Step-by-Step Recipes

  Say hello to one of my favorite cuts of beef of all time: The Skirt Steak. Yes, even more than filet mignon (which, in fact, is my least favorite cut of steak because, though buttah-tender, I think it has the least flavor). So now that you know I’m all about the flavor, it’s no […]

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ABC Meatball Soup

Posted by in Looks Delicious!

  One of my dreams is to write a children’s cookbook. One that doesn’t promote sneaking brussels sprouts in brownies or spending an hour carving a bunny rabbit out of an apple. Not that I don’t think it’s cute, but I just don’t have an hour to play with an exacto knife on my vegetables […]

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How to Open An Avocado and Keep All 10 Fingers!

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

  I love my guac! And if a big bowl is in front of me with fresh tortilla chips, I can eat the entire thing in one sitting. Just don’t expect me to share any of it! To make a big bowl of guacamole (I love saying that word), you have to start with lots […]

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How to Bake Spaghetti Squash

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

  I just came back from a week of blissdom at the famous Rancho La Puerta spa in Tecate, Mexico, where they’re known for their invigorating hikes and healthy, low-calorie, mostly vegetarian gourmet meals. It’s a place where you go to recharge, restore and get back in touch with how wonderful nourishing food tastes and […]