The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
Profile photo of Betsy (TK)

Back to School Granola Bites and a Lunch Box Giveaway (Winner Announced!)

Posted by in Miscellaneous

The winners of the Pottery Barn Kids lunch boxes are:

#38 Kelley HJ: “My girl loves turkey sausage in her lunch.”
#66 Lynne R: “My grandchildren would love new lunch boxes and they, of course, like anything mommie makes. In theory..”
#183 feistyfilly: “He’s such a good kid, he’d take carrots and apples every day. And pizza if I’d allow it, ha!”

Congratulations! You each win a lunch box in your choice of color and style. Contact [email protected] to claim your sweet loot!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Back to School Granola Bites and a Lunch Box Giveaway!

School is starting! How is that possible? It’s sad to say good-bye to summer, but most of us actually welcome the return to school and a little more routine in our lives. We also start off the year with good intentions for lunch packing organization. We want to keep it interesting but also pack food the kids will actually eat! We love these No-Bake Healthy Granola Bites from TK Member Mel. They’re the perfect addition to a tasty lunch or a great after-school snack. And a little bit of chocolate never hurts!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Back to School Granola Bites and a Lunch Box Giveaway!

To celebrate the start of school and our grand plans for lunch packing success this year, we’re giving away three (3) lunch bags from Pottery Barn Kids. Winners choice of color and style.


To enter this giveaway, just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:

“What is your child’s (or your own) favorite thing to take for lunch?”

Shout out your answer below and you’ll automatically be entered to win!


One entry per person, please. Contest ends tomorrow at 12PM PST.

Winners will be chosen randomly and announced Sunday.

Giveaway sponsored by Tasty Kitchen.



Comments are closed for this recipe.

Michelle on 8.15.2014

My kids like tortilla rollups and carrot sticks and fruit. I need more ideas! Please! Thanks!

Sundae on 8.15.2014

My daughter is heading off to school for the first time and her idea of a perfect lunch is a ham sandwich, carrot sticks, and apples and peanut butter.

Stacey on 8.15.2014

Leftovers from the night before.

l on 8.15.2014

My 10 yoa grandson will only eat turkey with cheese sandwich…… no other.

melanie on 8.15.2014

My oldest is 3, so no lunches yet. She will be going to preschool in the fall and I know would love a lunchbox.

AngAK on 8.15.2014

a real treat for me is a nice Subway sandwich made with lots of veggies.

Mary O. on 8.15.2014

A sandwich of bacon and avocado on multi-grain bread with an apple on the side.

Brenda L on 8.15.2014

Any kind of sandwich and a piece of fruit.

Wendy C on 8.15.2014

PBJ !!

Morgan T. on 8.15.2014

Banana’s, fruit snacks and a water bottle!

Profile photo of feistyfilly

feistyfilly on 8.15.2014

He’s such a good kid… he’d take carrots and apples every day. And pizza if I’d allow it ha!

Penny on 8.15.2014

Pioneer Woman’s italian drip beef sandwiches.

Mrs. Smith on 8.15.2014

My daughter is not yet two so she doesn’t have one yet, but before I became a stay-at-home mom I usually took a sandwich & a variety of veggies & fruit (usually carrots, green peppers, an apple, and a banana because all of those are fairly inexpensive). Then I’d split that up to make five or six small snacks throughout the day because I’m a nibbler. :) Splitting it up like that also ensured I didn’t get that awful after-lunch sleepiness.

brandysvensson on 8.15.2014

chocolate chip cookie

Anne on 8.15.2014

I love a good old slice of pizza in my lunch box

Kara on 8.15.2014

Mine aren’t big enough to be taking lunches yet but sure do love turkey sandwiches and veggies!

Melissa K. on 8.15.2014

I love a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Alison on 8.15.2014

A turkey sandwich.

Margie on 8.15.2014

peanut butter & jelly

melissa m on 8.15.2014

a fiber bar

Laura on 8.15.2014

Can’t beat a good ol’ PB & J!

Bryn on 8.15.2014


AJK on 8.15.2014

I love to make a wrap sandwich with a tortilla and some sort of meat filling.

MauREEn on 8.15.2014

It’s fluffernutters here. Yummy

Kari Beth on 8.15.2014

My daughter loves to make her own – lots of veggies, a little meat or cheese and something sweet to finish. :)

Wendy on 8.15.2014

Hummus! (And pita chips, pretzels, bagel chips, carrots…lol!)

Elizabeth on 8.15.2014

Bagels with cream cheese

DebbieK on 8.15.2014

My favorite item for lunch is any homemade leftover soup to take to work and reheat. A little home comfort in the middle of the work day, yum!

Diana on 8.15.2014

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Profile photo of paxmom

paxmom on 8.15.2014

My youngest daughter LOVES to take a thermos full of hot soup!

Karen P on 8.15.2014

peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

SeattleGirl on 8.15.2014

Dinner leftovers to heat up. The kids are grown so I am done with making their lunches.

Sara C. on 8.15.2014

If my boys had their way, they’d take PB&J everyday. We’ve had to put them on a twice a week limit.

Bridget G on 8.15.2014

Nuts and Raisens

Lori S on 8.15.2014

Left-overs from dinner the night before.

Christina on 8.15.2014

Ham or chicken with a salad.

BK on 8.15.2014

I always bring a salad in my lunch.

Carol on 8.15.2014

Fresh tomato sandwich with mayo and lettuce.

Eric on 8.15.2014

Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich with chips or double noodle soup.

Kim on 8.15.2014

Leftovers are the best!

Jennifer on 8.15.2014

A wrap sandwich, usually chicken with lettuce and some ranch dressing.

Andra on 8.15.2014

The classic PB&J!

Nancy Eastwood on 8.15.2014

Rice and seaweed.

Erin on 8.15.2014

My KIDS’ favorite is Lunchables, so I try to make homemade “lunchables” instead!

Esther on 8.15.2014

Soup dumplings and rice in a thermos! Also hard boiled eggs.

S on 8.15.2014

My daughter loves the chocolate peanut butter spread on flour tortillas.

Kerry on 8.15.2014

Almond butter and jelly!

Vicky C. on 8.15.2014

PB&J, applesauce, and cold green beans is my son’s favorite lunch combo. :)

Ashley C on 8.15.2014

My son loves to eat pepperonis for lunch!


Honey on 8.15.2014

Crackers and cheese and fruit.

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