The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
Profile photo of cookincanuck

White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce

Posted by in Baking, Step-by-Step Recipes

I’m so excited to welcome Dara, also known as prolific Tasty Kitchen contributor Cookin’ Canuck, as a new contributor to the Tasty Kitchen Blog. I’ve been loving Dara’s recipes, both on Tasty Kitchen and on her own food blog, Cookin’ Canuck, for quite some time, so meeting her in person recently was a real treat for me. She’s as sweet as the recipe she’s sharing with us today—a sweet treat from Tasty Kitchen member Brandie (thecountrycook). Welcome, Dara and thank you, Brandie! –Ree

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

As fall seeps in through the seams of summer, all I want to do is pull on my fleece pants, sit on the couch in front of a good chick flick (okay, a rousing football or hockey game will do, too), and eat foods that will test the resolve of the elastic on my waistband. When the siren call of this recipe by TK member thecountrycook reached my ears, I simply could not resist.

These White Chocolate Walnut Blondies are not just about the brownie, though the rich chewy bar filled with white chocolate and walnuts could certainly stand on its own. This dessert is made even more alluring by the maple butter sauce drizzled—or generously poured—over the top. Think warm, sticky caramel melting a scoop of ice cream down the sides of a tender brownie.

That siren call is getting louder.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

In a large bowl, combine melted butter and brown sugar. (Those are words that make me sigh with pleasure.)

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Stir together until combined. (I mean, really, who can resist dipping their finger into this?) Beat eggs and add them, along with a little vanilla, to the brown sugar mixture.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Gradually add the flour mixture and stir thoroughly. Be careful not to overmix the batter or the brownies will become tough. That would be sacreligious.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Chop some walnuts.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Add the walnuts and white chocolate chips to the batter. Stir them into the batter, which takes a bit of muscle. This workout is how you will justify eating three brownies later.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Spray a 9- by 13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. The recipe did not actually state this, but I did not want to risk any of these brownies sticking to the bottom. Press the brownie mixture into the pan.

If you are using your fingers to do this, coat them with some butter first to help with sticking. Of course, any morsels sticking to your fingers should be consumed immediately.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow the brownies to cool on a wire rack.

Here comes the good part: the sauce. The maple butter sauce. Need I say more?

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

In a medium saucepan set over medium heat, melt the butter. Be certain the butter does not burn. Add heavy cream, maple syrup, and corn syrup.

Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer, adjusting the heat, if necessary. Allow the mixture to simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remember when your parents told you that good things come to those who wait? Well, this wait will be torture but oh, so worth it.

The sauce is done when it is reduced by about one-third and turns a light caramel brown.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce. Guest post by Dara Michalski of Cookin' Canuck, recipe submitted by TK member Brandie of The Country Cook.

If you want to serve warm brownies (and, really, who doesn’t), warm them in the microwave for about 30 seconds or in a cast iron skillet. These brownies are just begging for ice cream and you do not want to disappoint them. Drizzle the sauce over top and garnish with more chopped walnuts.

Brandie suggests doubling the sauce and I would have to agree. There is no need to skimp on this buttery goodness.

Thank you to Brandie for this decadent, irresistible recipe. Visit her blog, The Country Cook, for more of her recipes!


Printable Recipe

White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Butter Sauce

4.80 Mitt(s) 15 Rating(s)15 votes, average: 4.80 out of 515 votes, average: 4.80 out of 515 votes, average: 4.80 out of 515 votes, average: 4.80 out of 515 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Difficulty: Easy

Servings: 12



Similar to my favorite Applebee’s dessert. Not an exact copy…but it is still pretty dang good!


  • 3 cups All-purpose Flour
  • ¼ teaspoons Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 10 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter, melted
  • 2 cups Light Brown Sugar
  • 3 whole Eggs, Lightly Beaten
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • ½ cups Chopped Walnuts
  • 1 cup White Chocolate Chips
  • _____
  • 2 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • 1-½ cup Heavy Cream
  • 6 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
  • 3 Tablespoons Light Corn Syrup
  • Optional Garnish: Vanilla Ice Cream, Chopped Walnuts

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium bowl, sift together flour, salt & baking powder. Set aside.

In another large mixing bowl, mix melted butter with brown sugar until well-blended. Add in beaten eggs and vanilla. Stir well.

Slowly add flour mixture to butter/sugar/egg mixture. Stir thoroughly but take care not to overmix your batter. Fold in nuts and chocolate. Batter will be thick.

Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray, then pour batter into 9 x 13 baking pan. Bake for about 25-30 minutes (until a toothpick inserted comes out clean).

For the sauce:
Melt butter in a medium sauce pan over medium heat (do not allow butter to burn). Then add heavy cream, maple syrup and corn syrup. Allow this mixture to simmer over medium heat for about 20-30 minutes. This is the hard part: waiting for the mixture to reduce and thicken. You don’t want to bring this to a boil, just a nice, slightly bubbly simmer. Stir it occasionally. Once it has reduced by about a 1/3, it’s ready.

To serve: you can heat up blondie on a cast iron skillet and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or you can just heat a slice of blondie on a plate in your microwave for about 25 seconds. Add a scoop of ice cream on top then pour the warm maple butter sauce on top and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Cook’s note: if using a glass pan, adjust heat to 325 degrees F. You may have to bake slightly longer than given time. Also, you may want to double up the maple butter sauce recipe. It really is the best part. We love a lot of sauce on ours (as you can tell from the picture!).


Dara Michalski is a doll and a sweetheart who clearly knows her way around the kitchen. She blogs at Cookin’ Canuck, where she shares her flavor-packed recipes and fun, engaging writing. The photography’s pretty incredible, too.



Comments are closed for this recipe.

Nicole on 1.15.2011

for the sauce, is that 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream OR 1 half cup of heavy cream?

Chris on 1.11.2011

Amazing dessert! The whole family loved it! I will be making this again!

Diane on 1.8.2011

OMG! This looks like the dessert they have at Applebees! My quest has ended!

Linda on 1.7.2011


Carley on 12.2.2010

no longer on a diet….

Jane Ecklund on 11.2.2010

I would rate myself as a 9 on the voting contest. I have voted ever since I was 18 and was eligible to vote. I think I have missed one or two non-presidential elections. But as I get older (!), it is more important than ever to make sure you vote and get involved. That’s the only way things will change.

Christy Spurlock on 11.2.2010

I am 100% committed to voting.

Francis Foley on 11.2.2010

Easy question! I will be seventy in January and have never missed (failed to vote in) an election and that includes twenty-two years in the U.S. miilitary.

Profile photo of Savoring Italy

Savoring Italy on 10.31.2010

Wow! This looks delicious! I will be trying it this week for my family :)

Alta on 10.30.2010

OMG, this looks evil. I’m drooling.

kristi on 10.29.2010

Made these last night for a Halloween party, and they were loved! They were so good, and when warmed it made you want to slap your mama three times! My gosh, such goodness. Will be making them again this weekend. :)

Laura on 10.28.2010

This looks exactly like the dessert they serve at Applebees that is delicious… can’t wait to try it!

Susan on 10.22.2010

Oh my is all I have to say! I have them in the oven right now and the sauce is on the stove. It smells like heaven! Making these for the hubby who by the way is drooling right now! I changed the walnuts to macadamia nuts…..

Profile photo of cookincanuck

cookincanuck on 10.22.2010

Basak, the blondies should come out chewy and moist. There are two possibilities to the outcome you had: 1) You may have overcooked them. Next time, start checking them a little earlier in the baking process. Your oven temperature may be a little higher than you think. 2) When you are measuring your floor, be sure to spoon it into the measuring cups, rather than just scooping the flour out of the container with the cup. Spooning it will put some air into the flour and, as a result, you will be using less flour overall.

Wisegirl on 10.22.2010

I fell in love with this dessert at Applebee’s over 6 years ago. I would crave this delicious treat while I was pregnant with my son, and my girlfriends and I would set up a monthly “Girl’s Night Out” We’d always head to Applebee’s to satisfy my craving!
I searched the net for the recipe while I was in early labor with my son (the Dr. told me to go back to bed … HA!) and found one. The blondie recipe is the same, but my sauce recipe is different. The one I have uses 1/2 c. of softened butter, 1/2 c. 10x sugar, 1/4 c. softened cream cheese, 2 TBSP. maple syrup, and 1/4 tsp. salt. – – – combine everything and mix until smooth – serve warm over blondies. YUM!!!

basak on 10.22.2010

I made it last night, it looked super fantastic, it tasted very good but it was a bit hard. And because we don’t have maple syrup here I put honey and it worked OK. With two spoons of vanilla ice cream and some extra walnuts, it was very delicious.

Barbara @ Modern Comfort Food on 10.21.2010

If ever there was a recipe that made one want to drop everything and run right out to get the ingredients, this is it, Dara. Stunningly delicious looking and your photos here are simply sensational. Just beautiful!

Angie on 10.21.2010

These look so good, and the caramel sauce puts it over the top! Beautiful!

marla {family fresh cooking} on 10.21.2010

Oh Dara, that Maple Butter takes these to the moon! Each element of this recipe works on it’s own and combined they are dreamy! xo

Magic of Spice on 10.21.2010

Great step by step…delightfully delicious :)

Profile photo of Spicie Foodie

Spicie Foodie on 10.20.2010

All I can say is just WOW!

Judee@glutenfreeA-Z on 10.20.2010

Wow! I’ve been looking for a blondie recipe to make for a friend who loves the ones at Applebees! This looks perfect…

Profile photo of PamFromNY

PamFromNY on 10.20.2010

Made these yesterday, they turned out great, just too sweet for me.

Linn on 10.19.2010

Oh my , this looks fabulous !!! Can’t you just see it now. A cold blustery evening , the fire crackling in the fire place ,and this delicious
Dessert, with a cup of coffee. Dosen’t get much better!

Madeline St Onge on 10.19.2010

OMG this looks like it is to die for. There goes the diet again

doodles on 10.19.2010

holy crimeny what is not to like with those ever so tasty ingredients. I think pecans could be substituted maybe. This is going on the Thanksgiving desert table. for sure. Thanks from one C to another!!

Anne Larocca on 10.19.2010

Love the new look for the TK website!

Gina E Haberly on 10.19.2010

Your photographs are so appreciated! I cannot stress that enough. It is one thing to read a recipe but oh so helpful to actually see it come to life. You’re simply the best!

Dawn Reinke on 10.19.2010

So I made these yesterday. They were delicious and everyone raved about them. Unfortunately I discovered upon eating a walnut during the prep process that I have developed an unfortunate allergy to walnuts at the age of 28. Next time I’ll try them without the walnuts, but I’m sure they won’t be the same. Thanks for all the great recipes.

Profile photo of barbarabakes

barbarabakes on 10.19.2010

They look so decadent. Perfect for fall!

Kathy H. on 10.19.2010

These are in the oven right now.. I left the nuts out and am going to use them as a topping on the ice cream instead (my daughter’s don’t like nuts). Also I am dying to try the sauce but all I have is the artificial maple syrup – will that work? The house smells heavenly :)

Profile photo of bell'alimento

bell'alimento on 10.19.2010

I’m drooling!!! Looks ah-mazing!

Terri on 10.19.2010

made these last night. Thought I had died and gone to heaven. Delicious!!!!!!!

Profile photo of cookincanuck

cookincanuck on 10.19.2010

Stacie & prerierose – I’m so happy to hear that you had a chance to try these fabulous blondies. We all have thecountrycook to thank for this recipe!

Holly – Let’s plan on making them together.

Profile photo of prerierose

prerierose on 10.19.2010

Made these last night. I have been looking for the perfect blondie recipe and this is it! Everyone loved them.

Stacie on 10.19.2010

I made these last night and the sauce this morning for my co-workers! They love me ALOT right now!

Deni on 10.19.2010

Oh dear gosh!!!!! I”m not supposed to have butter…but, I think, no, I KNOW I will be making these!!!! Drooling on my keyboard…………slurp :0)

Holly on 10.18.2010

Yay Dara! I have to say, I’m so proud of you for going with something delicious and mapley here (Go Canada ;) If I’m feeling exceptionally lazy though, can I just come to your house for one of these. Congrats – you are awesome!

Profile photo of achristy

achristy on 10.18.2010

Mmmm these look delish!

alice on 10.18.2010

I love Dara, her recipes, and photos. This blondies recipe looks amazing!

tami b on 10.18.2010

I am soooo excited! This is absolutely my favorite Applebees dessert. I can’t wait to try it at home :-)

Profile photo of cookincanuck

cookincanuck on 10.18.2010

Shelley, a beautiful set of white dishes can really show off your food. I hope you find what you’re looking for.

Lexi, you’re right. The maple cream is absolutely incredible and really makes these blondies into a special occasion dessert (or a “hiding in the closet and hoarding them all to myself” kind of dessert).

Melissa R on 10.18.2010

Oh. My. Goodness.

ChristineM on 10.18.2010

Oh yum! That looks fantastic!

Lexi on 10.18.2010

I actually made this last week for my husband’s birthday and it was DIVINE!!! The maple cream just tops it off–absolutely amazing. I will definitely be keeping this recipe for future special occasions.

Shelley on 10.18.2010

Thanks, Dara. It’s really pretty. Lately I seem to be obsessing on dishes and most recently I am on the hunt for a service for 4 of white/cream Italian or French dishes with a girly, hand thrown or lacey pattern. Like yours, or Vietri’s Incanto or Arte Italica’s Merletto. God. Oh well, at least while I’m on the hunt I’m not eating, lol.

Profile photo of cookincanuck

cookincanuck on 10.18.2010

Shelley, I wish I could tell you that the plate is a family heirloom. However, it was an acquisition on my recent blogging-prop shopping spree – at TJMaxx. The plate is made by American Atelier and the pattern is called Bianca Leaf.

Carolee on 10.18.2010

and now something to go along with the delicious Chicken Cacciatore on PWcooks. all the bases are covered. Thanks!!

carlotta on 10.18.2010

I was already starving before I read this. Now, my mouth is watering and I’m trying to get that goodness out of the screen…. ;) This definitely needs to be made ASAP. *drool*

Shelley on 10.18.2010

It looks scrumptious! I’m dieting, though, so I’m trying not to look too hard… what I find myself looking at in order to avoid drooling is the plate it’s on. Gorgeous pattern… care to tell what it is?