6 Reviews
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piescientista on 6.13.2013

This recipe was OK in my opinion. Kind of bland in flavor (definitely needs some salt and more of ALL the spices) and not at all spicy.
Katie on 9.14.2012

The combination of onions, garlic, and pepper is ingenious! I loved it so much I kept the juice that I strained when my mixture was too moist. I added the leftover juice to some left over bean soup and it really tastes great! This is a great veggie burger recipe! Thanks for sharing!

Skye Copeland on 4.12.2012

We’ve made these twice and I love the flavor! The second time I added bulgar because I’m addicted to it. These taste great, thank you for a fantastic recipe!

milkwithknives on 3.31.2012

Yummy! I used some fresh hominy I had in the fridge instead of beans and skipped the chili powder (I’m not a very able person when it comes to hot spices), but otherwise followed the recipe. Wonderful mix of flavors and the texture was very pleasant. I made my patties much smaller and ended up with about a dozen, so I’m really looking forward to lunches this week. Thanks!
nixiechicks on 3.28.2012

Delish! Really enjoyed the taste and the texture. I have had a pregnancy food obsession with something similar from Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar. Now i can make them at home! I accidently threw in all the breadcrumbs and found that this gave an ideal consistecy. (I also drained the beans through a strainer.) Gorgeous!
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mtcwilson on 2.22.2012
can the egg be substituted with anything to make this a vegan recipe? sounds really good.