8 Reviews
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greeleygirl on 8.31.2012

This was awesome! I doubled the rub, added three tsp. to my rice, and the rest went on six good sized chops. The meat was fabulous! The rice was still a bit a bland for our tastes. I added a bit more salt and that helped. Next time, I’ll probably do the exact same thing, but add a little extra seasoning to the rice. Thanks for the great recipe!

Gnatalie on 2.27.2012

I used this recipe as a jumping off point on a pork tenderloin this weekend. The rub is really delicious – my fiance raved about the flavor. I only used two tablespoons of brown sugar in the rub because it was all I had and it turned out great. Due to the fact that it’s February in Pittsburgh, we elected to bake the tenderloin in the oven, but will definitely use this again and try it out on the grill! Thanks for the recipe!
Emily on 8.21.2010

We had this last night and while everyone liked it we weren’t blown away by it. I think we may need to tweak it a smidgen.
lka2004 on 8.19.2010

I gave this recipe 3 stars because I think it had potential, just maybe we didn’t prepare it correctly? My boyfriend actually made it, so I’m going by taste & how he made it. It was the right amount of spicy for me, but a dry taste to it (& not the meat; the actual rub.) Maybe it’s supposed to be like that? I also think that although it says, put the rub on “generously,” maybe he did it a bit much, and that’s why it ended up tasting a little dry. It was good overall. The reason why I think it has potential is because we put about 2 tbls. (in 3 cups of rice) of the spice in my regular rice pilaf recipe, and it tasted really good. I’m just not sure I will use the recipe for pork again, but definitely a new spice mixture for the rice.
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WenDee Riffe on 6.21.2010
I made this this evening and it was great~~~~I think chops can be boring but this was wonderful!!!!!
Thanks so much!!!!