My summertime needs are pretty simple:
1. Flip flops
2. Air-conditioning
3. Lots of fresh fruit
4. An ice cream maker
There’s also grilling about 75% of our meals, attempting to tan without burning, and gardening (me=brown, shriveled thumb), but the ones above are absolutely essential.
Luckily I was able to combine #3 and #4 to make a fantastic Mango Frozen Yogurt submitted by Lauren who blogs at Healthy Food for Living. I’ve been blurking Lauren’s blog for a while and love all of the healthy, delicious food she posts!
You only need a few ingredients to make this: very ripe mangoes, Greek yogurt (I used whole instead of low-fat), vanilla, and agave. After I got everything mixed together, I also added the juice from a lemon to make the flavors pop a bit more.
(See notes at the bottom of post for all recipe adjustments.)
You’ll want all of the mangoes to be very ripe so they’ll be a great natural sweetener and the mango meat will be easier to cut off of the pit.
Getting several mangoes to ripen all at once is like trying to get four 2-year-olds to sit and be quiet all at the same time. Seriously. A couple of mine had started to shrivel a bit by the time the others caught up. It turned out alright in the end, though.
There are a lot of ways to cut mangoes. Because it ends up as a puree, I wasn’t concerned about getting cute little cubes. This is the way I usually cut them and it’s also the way America’s Test Kitchen recommends. (Did I ever tell you I’m a PBS nerd?)
First, peel the mango. I used a sharp knife, but you can also use a vegetable peeler.
Hold the mango so you’re looking at the stem end. You’ll notice that it’s an oblong shape. The pit is also that shape, so imagine the shape of the pit as you slice around it. Begin by cutting off the large “cheeks” on either side.
And please don’t cut yourself. (Voice of experience and a lot of stitches.)
Once you get those off, cut off the smaller pieces on the other sides.
See? Not so hard.
Now, cut the mango chunks into smaller pieces…
And put them in a food processor.
Pulse several times and let it run until the mango is smooth, without chunks.
Because my food processor is small, I transferred the mango puree to a large bowl to add the remaining ingredients. If you have a large processor, please box it up and send it to me.
Um. I mean, if you have a large processor that will hold the rest of the ingredients, you’ll save the trouble of washing an extra bowl.
If you really want to send me yours, I’m completely on board. Just sayin’.
Add the yogurt, vanilla, and agave. I added only half of the agave at first, mixed it up, and then tasted it. Because my mangoes were super sweet I didn’t feel like it needed any more. Taste as you go and adjust the sweetness to your liking.
I thought the mixture needed a little more pop, so I added the juice from 1 lemon to brighten the flavors.
I also have utensil indecision. Whisk or rubber spatula? I usually have both in the bowl. Just in case.
I transferred the mixture (once again) to a large measuring cup. This step is optional, but it makes it easier to pour the mixture into the ice cream machine later.
The mixture will need to chill for a few hours before it goes in the ice cream machine. Why? The colder the mixture is when it goes in, the creamier the consistency will be. True story.
When it’s nice and chilled, pour it into your machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. I doubled the recipe and it fit nicely in my little Cuisinart 1.5-quart ice cream maker.
This is my favorite moment of ice cream/frozen yogurt/sorbet making. Pulling out that paddle thingy and finally tasting the results of the long wait. I think I could have let it run longer, but I was getting antsy.
At this point you can spoon it into bowls and eat it like soft-serve or immediately (like, really fast—don’t let it melt) transfer it into a freezer-safe container to finish freezing for several hours or overnight. It’s almost too much to bear, I know.
The wait is well worth it. This beautifully frozen concoction is nothing like the sugary, artificially-flavored stuff in yogurt shops. It actually tastes like yogurt. And mangoes. What a concept!
Thank you Lauren for a new addition to my frozen treat repertoire! Be sure to check out her TK recipe box and her blog Healthy Food for Living for more delicious, good-for-you eats!
Recipe adjustments: I doubled this recipe, using whole Greek yogurt, only 1/4 cup agave nectar (because my mangoes were really sweet), omitting the vodka, and adding the juice from 1 lemon. If you don’t have agave, you can substitute a smaller amount of honey or plain white sugar. Limes would also work equally well.
Printable Recipe

Tangy Greek yogurt is combined with sweet ripe mangoes in this light & refreshing springtime dessert.
- 2 cups Peeled, Pitted And Chopped Very Ripe Mango
- 1-½ cup 2% Greek Yogurt
- ¼ cups Agave Nectar
- ¼ teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
- ½ Tablespoons Vodka, Optional (to Keep The Frozen Yogurt A Bit Softer In The Freezer)
Preparation Instructions
Yields four 1/2 cup servings.
Place the chopped mango into a food processor and puree until smooth. Add in the remaining ingredients and puree until well-mixed. Chill mixture in the refrigerator until cold.
Then freeze according to your ice cream maker manufacturer’s instructions.
Serve immediately as soft serve, or spoon into a freezer-safe container and place in freezer until “ripened” (hardened).
Be sure to check out Natalie’s own beautiful food blog, Perrys’ Plate, where you can see her growing collection of lovely recipes. There’s always something new to see there. Go visit now!
Comments are closed for this recipe.
Boba Froyo on 10.11.2011
Those pictures look great! The recipe looks simple too.
Rebecca on 6.26.2011
2 nice things about this recipe:
1) Its so easy, when I decide to make it – I wont need to go look up the recipe. My poor addled brain can remember it.
2) Its a good basic – I think you could replace the mango with any sweet ripe fruit. YUM!
Natalie | Perry's Plate on 6.24.2011
Linda – Thanks
I held it that way so I could position the knife while I took a photo with my other hand. I’ve only got two!
Linda on 6.24.2011
I would strongly recommend cutting the mango on a cutting board. That big knife positioned over your hand makes me shiver One slip and it’s more stitches.
Natalie @ Perrys' Plate on 6.23.2011
Deanne – I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reporting
Chelsea & Sherri – Thanks for the compliment!
Sherri@FoodBasics101 on 6.23.2011
This looks so cool and refreshing in a hot summer’s day and it’s definitely hot today here in Oklahoma! Excellent photos by the way…
Deanne on 6.23.2011
When I saw this yesterday, I knew we had to try it…..WOW am I glad you posted this, YUM!
I had three mangos that needed used up, but no greek yogurt. I did have a tub of regular, so I let it strain from about lunch until after supper when I finally got around to cutting up the mangos. We did put in a squeeze of lime and used 1/4 cup honey. I would say we (roughly) made 1.5 times the original recipe. Out of the 6 of us, the only one who wasn’t fond of it was my one kiddo who isn’t that fond of yogurt and mangos. The rest of us are glad there is enough left over for another round after supper tonight
Chelsea, Food Buff on 6.23.2011
Gorgeous shots! This looks creamy and smooth. I cannot wait to test it out!!!
Katie on 6.23.2011
Geez – now I gotta go buy an ice cream maker. I adore mangoes, and greek yogurt. I was just wondering last night how to make frozen yogurt from my greek yogurt. Thank you!
Emily on 6.23.2011
Ok this looks amazing and so refreshing for summer! I love making sorbets!!!! Will have to try this for sure!! So I made gnocchi for the first time…what do you think?
Recipes Fashion Marriage
Natalie @ Perrys' Plate on 6.23.2011
Mrs. Walker – Click on the printable link at the end of the post that says “Mango Frozen Yogurt” or the same link at the beginning of the post.
Mrs. Walker on 6.23.2011
The mango frozen yogurt looks amazing and I would like to make it. Where are the measurements? Thanks.
Natalie @ Perrys' Plate on 6.23.2011
Cia11 & slpatters – I’ll have to try that method next time! I know the photos look like I’m going to slice right through my hand, but I really am careful. I had to hold the mangoes and the knife that way temporarily so I could get a good photo. I still haven’t received those extra hands I petitioned for after I started having kids.
Stef at on 6.22.2011
Natalie, this sounds soooo yummy! I’m so nervous you’re going to cut yourself. As Cia11 mentioned, there are easier ways to cut them.
I use this method – it’s AWESOME and the mango doesn’t slip all around in your hand!
Ann on 6.22.2011
Wow – That looks amazing! I love mango and to make a frozen yogurt?….incredible!
Jayne on 6.22.2011
I’m like eating mango right this moment reading this. Makes me wish my mango here is in the form of ice cream!
Rivki Locker (Ordinary Blogger) on 6.22.2011
I have got to expand my frozen cooking repertoire. Right now it consists of chocolate and vanilla ice cream. That’s it. This looks like a great addition!
Natalie @ Perrys' Plate on 6.22.2011
Thank you, Adrianna!
Dasha – Yes! I saw a feature in the Food Network magazine recently about making ice cream without an ice cream maker. When the ice cream base has chilled, put it in a sealed plastic bag. Then put that bag inside a bigger bag and put a bunch of ice and rock salt in it. Shake the bag for a while until the innermost bag with the yogurt base resembles what you would pull out of an ice cream maker!
Wenderly – Go get one.
They really aren’t that expensive. They sell them at Costco for around $30! (And I hear there’s a $6 off coupon for them now…)
Wenderly on 6.22.2011
This mango frozen yogurt is exquisite! I don’t own an ice cream maker. I MUST got one!
Dasha on 6.22.2011
It might be a silly question, but is there any chance i can make this without ice cream maker??? I really cannot afford to buy one right now and i so much want to make this!!! Plus it is not so easy to find a good one in the middle of Europe, where people are not so crazy about icecream like i am!
Urban Wife on 6.22.2011
Mangos and I are BFF’s. Seriously. Ok, ok, I guess I can share with the rest of the world.
This recipe really makes me want to go buy an ice cream maker or drop some serious hints to my husband to buy me one. Sigh. One thing is certain: this will be the first recipe I will be making in my ice cream maker!
Adrianna from A Cozy Kitchen on 6.22.2011
OMGoodness. I love LOVE mango. I’ve been meaning to make frozen yogurt forever, and this mango variety looks like a definite must try. Your step-by-step pictures are super pretty.
Natalie | Perry's Plate on 6.22.2011
Doreen – Yes, about 25-30 minutes. Although when I made this yogurt, I forgot to check the clock! Oops
Rhiannon – Yes! Go back! I saw them at Costco, too (and the coupons) and I was thisclose to going back for a red one. Don’t know how I could have justified two of those things to the hubs, though.
Rhiannon on 6.22.2011
ok so i just saw an ice cream maker in costco on monday, i almost bought it but didnt. last night i check my costco coupon book before throwring it out and i find a $6 off coupon. then i see this amazing recipe… its a sign im going back and buying that ice cream maker!!!!
Heather on 6.22.2011
I have been drooling through every word of this post!
May - So Very Domestic on 6.22.2011
We also do most of our cooking on the grill in the summer months and all desserts are fairly low fi – this mango frozen yogurt is a definite MUST. Great post, great photos.
Doreen, Houston, MN on 6.22.2011
Have to try this recipe!!! Have a freezer like yours. Works so well! How long did let the freezer run? I usually do ice cream for 25 min. Made Chai ice cream last Sunday. A recipe I came up with using French vanilla creamer, Tazo (brand) Chai Tea concentrate, a little sugar and heavy cream. Served it with a strawberry/rhubarb custard pie. Perfect! That freezer has been one of the best purchases I have made (from Amazon)
Katrina on 6.22.2011
This looks fantastic! Beauty recipe.
Natalie | Perry's Plate on 6.22.2011
Heather of K.C. – Oh, me, too. I found out that they have sandy beaches at Lake Tahoe, only a half hour away! Off we go tomorrow!
Lauren – Oh my goodness. I can’t wait to see what comes out of yours! Ridiculousness, I’m sure
Amy – Thanks! We registered for that set of flatware at Target when we got married almost 8 years ago. They’re made by Oneida.
Aiko on 6.22.2011
wow, wow, wow! i ve only recently discovered your blog and i m so grateful for your tips on photography too… thank you for posting this recipe, with summer here, i ll be making this for sure!
Amy S. on 6.22.2011
Where did you get the cute flower spoons? I LOVE them!
Rachel Blish on 6.22.2011
I love homemade ice cream, especially in the summer! But I just wanted to let you know, Pampered Chef has an amazing mango wedger! I just used it for salsa!
Lauren's Latest on 6.22.2011
I just picked up an ice cream maker last week! It’s a sign. I’m making this! Thanks, Natalie!
Heather of Kitchen Concoctions on 6.22.2011
Now I only wish I lived by the beach so that I could enjoy this refreshing dessert there!
cia11 on 6.22.2011
This looks lovely! Did you know a better way of skinning a ripe mango is to peel it? If you make a small slit anywhere in the mango and then take hold of the skin you can pull it right off (its only doable with ripe ones though, otherwise you’d be there all day). It means that no flesh gets wasted by accidentally cutting it off with the skin
kitchenlovenest on 6.22.2011
Obviously I need to purchase an ice cream maker just so that I can make this wonderful recipe! Thanks for the lovely step by steps, Natalie!
Natalie | Perry's Plate on 6.22.2011
Thanks everyone!
Heather – I bought the green bowl from a friend on Etsy. Then I regretted paying $8 for it when I saw a few more at an estate sale for about $1 each.
I’ve seen them at a lot of estate sales. They must have been pretty popular back in the day.
Decaf Debi on 6.22.2011
Yum! I’ll take anything made with mango.
A favorite treat in our house is Mango Lasse. My two young boys beg for it as a dessert. It’s essentially made the same was as the frozen yogurt but with some milk added to thin it down to a drinkable consistency. And since it’s practically instant, I can make it without the need to wait for it to freeze. (Patience for deliciousness is not a trait found in my family!)
Heather on 6.22.2011
Where did you get those pretty flower bowls? I love those!
Mandy on 6.22.2011
Your photography is gorgeous!! And I absolutely cannot wait to make this ice cream for our dinner party on the 4th! Thanks for sharing!
Michelle on 6.22.2011
wow that looks fantastic. Breakfast? Sure!
Bring on summer! It is officially here!
Amy | She Wears Many Hats on 6.22.2011
YUMMY! I’ve been waiting to try some fruit yogurt and this may be one of the first ones. My daughter is a fan of mango popsicles. And we can never find those around these parts.
Laurie - Simply Scratch on 6.22.2011
I totally need a ice cream maker just so I can make this!
Jodie ( on 6.22.2011
As any of my blog readers know, my love of ice cream and yogurt is fierce. And now I am ready to venture to buy an ice cream maker. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!