3 Reviews
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lenneth91205 on 6.12.2014

These are way better than the Taco Bell ones you can buy and actually quite easy to make. They’re super easy to assemble and they are quick to cook. As was stated the tortillas I had were ever so slightly too small but just ripping off a little chunk of another one and covering the hole worked perfectly. Once you grill them they seal up perfectly. Even after letting them sit around for a while they were delicious!

nutbrown cottage on 10.14.2013

Better than Taco Bell because it’s actually crunchy! My TB Crunch Wrap was soggy in the middle once it got home after traveling from the restaurant in a warm, moist bag with our other TB food. Your recipe was perfect and so easy to make! I only had one problem that I’ll mention with a solution in case anyone else needs it. The biggest burrito tortillas I could get weren’t big enough, so I took 1/4 of another tortilla as my last layer before folding the wraps. Fixed the problem just fine. Thanks for a great recipe!

Sandy on 8.8.2013

This was really good! It tastes JUST like Taco Bell. I kinda backed up a little at the thought of folding this thing up then fwopping it on a hot griddle without any kind of “seal”, but it was no big deal. Very tasty. I will definitely be making this again. Thank you for sharing!
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