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Elegant food, fit for company, made in your slow cooker!
Brown the chicken in the olive oil in a skillet. Make sure the chicken is as golden on the outside as you would like it to be on your plate, even though it won’t be cooked inside until later.
Put the potatoes in the bottom of the slow cooker. Spoon the chicken on top, leaving the juices and olive oil in the skillet.
Fry the onion for 3-4 minutes in the same skillet in the chicken juices and oil. Add the cider, which will bubble furiously, and allow about a third of the cider to boil off. Scrape the bottom of the pan as this happens to make sure all the chicken-ey goodness ends up in your final dish. Add half the tarragon, chopped – just snip it with the kitchen scissors over your pan.
Pour the cider and onion mixture over your chicken (in your crock pot) and cook on high for 2 1/2 – 3 hours until the potatoes are done and the chicken juices run clear.
At this point, remove the chicken and potatoes to a hot plate and add the creme fraiche and the rest of the tarragon to the sauce that remains in your crock pot. Season to taste with salt and pepper and and combine to mix and heat through. Then, serve the sauce spooned over the chicken.
Serve with a green salad and a little shrug when people marvel at your superb French cuisine!
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mirakoz on 10.25.2010
This was absolutely delicious! My husband could not stop sopping up the sauce with bread. Thank you for sharing.