The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
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What’s Your Food Obsession?

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

I have a problem.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a supermarket without adding a package of fatty porky goodness in my cart. Or approached a new menu without scanning first for a dish containing the “b” word. My weakness? An all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.

Some might call it a obsession; my husband just accepts my problem and counts his blessings that my thrill is cheap. Because my fixation could have been diamonds, Gucci purses or something that would require a line of credit to fulfill.

But I think my addiction has rubbed off on a certain little someone who’s barely even tall enough to reach the goods at the buffet line.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

And like any obsession … it starts with one.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

But with enough focus, bravery, stretch and dexterity …

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

One can easily say, “Like mother, like son.”

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

What’s your food obsession? Come on—we all have one! Though I fully understand that yours may be healthier, like chickpeas or wheatgrass (which tastes like 5th grade phys-ed class field hockey rotation).


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!



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Profile photo of jlojohnson93

jlojohnson93 on 6.17.2010

I think the “B”s have it…..butter and bacon I never have less than 2 pounds in my house at any given time!!

Profile photo of suep

suep on 6.17.2010

Bread. Mainly as a vehicle for butter…

vpireiner on 6.17.2010

carbs…in all forms…potatoes, cake, cookies, fries, crackers, breads, you name it…I couldn’t live without my carbs!

Profile photo of jdupree

jdupree on 6.17.2010

Its hard to pick one…but I love cheese and bread esp when they are used to make a pizza :)

Profile photo of mandyree

mandyree on 6.17.2010

My obsession is chocolate!

p.s. I love your son’s silly bands. :)

Deb da Amazon on 6.17.2010

I’m torn…but I’m also totally booked on the bacon and/or cheese boats. Both are must-haves in my fridge. If we run out of either, I go into a slight panic because they’re both so versatile and add soooo much flavor!! (especially since hubby and I are low-carbing)

Profile photo of catlover5589

catlover5589 on 6.17.2010

Vegetables are mine. I drive my siblings crazy because I insist on having at least 1 vegetable at dinner even when mom isn’t around. I also am constantly looking to add more vegetables to foods like I prefer 2x more vegetables to meat in dishes like soups, stews, and stirfrys. The other day I asked my mom if I could add a can of carrots to her spagetti sauce. :)

Profile photo of DandRsmom

DandRsmom on 6.17.2010

Bread…I just can’t help myself. Fresh french bread…the kind you get at the grocery store that is hot and ready to take home for dinner. My family is lucky if it makes it home. My husband is hispanic and we make homemade tortillas a couple of times a week and those are just as good. Lord help my love handles!

Profile photo of 3bakingsheets

3bakingsheets on 6.17.2010

If my family and husband put me on the show “Intervention” and told me that I had to stop eating ice cream then sent me to a “No More Scoops” treatment facility in Florida, they would be disappointed when they saw the “3 months later” recap.

That’s how addicted I am to ice cream.

Paula on 6.17.2010

I’m with you on the bacon thing. I am a fan of the pig in its many forms. I’ll also have to go with brownies or possibly just chocolate in general. But in an effort to be health conscious, I also obsess over fresh summer veggies like green beans, corn on the cob and blueberries.

Natalie on 6.17.2010

Peanut butter. And chocolate. But not usually together.

Profile photo of KandiC

KandiC on 6.17.2010

Dark Chocolate would be my number one and my number 2 would be a good salad with big chunks of meat, tons of cheese, tomatoes, carrots, bacon bits and croutons with ranch dressing please.

Fran on 6.17.2010

I seriously don’t have one … until I wake up in the morning! Today it was queso fresco and corn. Tomorrow? I have no idea, but when it hits, it’s got to be eaten or I can’t finish my day.

Profile photo of abarnum619

abarnum619 on 6.17.2010

I have a major sweet tooth, so I would have to say my food obsession is chocolate! Especially mixed with Peanut Butter! YUM!!!

Lindsey on 6.17.2010

Hmmmm…cheese. Tomatoes! I love tomatoes. I do love sushi and chocolate, but I think I could live on tomatoes and cheese (I would be sad without basil and balsamic vinegar though). Wine. Don’t forget the wine :)

Audrey on 6.17.2010

Sweets, and not even just chocolate sweets. ALL kinds of sweets. Oh and cheese and potatoes, separate or together.

Profile photo of cookincanuck

cookincanuck on 6.17.2010

Your son is a boy after my own heart! My husband always rolls his eyes when he sees me picking the bacon bits off of every family member’s plate before sticking them in the dishwasher. I just can’t get enough of that salty, crunchy treat.

Michele Albert on 6.17.2010

Dark chocolate, now and forever!!

Profile photo of everydayisgourmet

everydayisgourmet on 6.17.2010

Bacon too. and sushi. aaaaaand, chocolate. aaaaaaand, I’ll be done : )

Profile photo of Laurie - Simply Scratch

Laurie - Simply Scratch on 6.17.2010

Hands down… grilled cheese…any grilled cheese but my favorite has pesto in it!! YUM!

anne on 6.17.2010

Bread, bread, bread – in all its glorious and wonderful forms. Italian, ciabatta, naan, pitas, even (to my shame) Little Caesar’s “crazy bread”

Profile photo of Annie B.

Annie B. on 6.17.2010

I’m with you! I could eat bacon everyday and not bat an eye. I try walking by the bacon section of the grocery, with my eyes closed, but instead I reach down and grab another couple packages of the stuff. Oy.

Jen b. on 6.17.2010

BROWNIES!!! & sitting here eating leftover spaghetti carbonara with extra thick cut BACON as I type…..

alexis on 6.17.2010

bacon–it’s the candy of the meat group!

nina on 6.17.2010

Hot chips….hadcut ones. With dashes of vinegar and tomato sauce…You can wake me for the stuff!!

Profile photo of Damelio

Damelio on 6.17.2010

Avacados! I eat some form of avacado every day. In sushi, salsa, eggs, rice, salads, on burgers or sandwiches. I just wish they were cheaper here in New England!

Profile photo of Shawna C

Shawna C on 6.17.2010

My house cannot be without cheese, garlic or ginger. Though I don’t typically combine all three (the last two, yes), I do use them all very regularly.

Kara on 6.17.2010

bacon is hard to resist! Favorite use of bacon…on fresh kettle cooked chips…real bacon bits, melted blue cheese and chives…like potatoe chip nachos….SO GOOD!

Teresa on 6.17.2010

Almost anything with cream cheese!

Katie b on 6.17.2010

oh definitely any kind of cheese. i hope i don’t ever become allergic to dairy b.c i would die without cheese!

Profile photo of JWeaver

JWeaver on 6.17.2010

chocolate! It’s more of an addiction, really.

Jesslyn on 6.17.2010

chocolate! It’s more of an addiction, really.

mrs. lusher on 6.17.2010

Popcorn. I love that stuff. I’ll eat it for snacks, for meals, anytime really. With butter, with salt, with Lawry’s, with white truffle oil & rosemary, chili powder…….

My husband also uses it to bribe me to go to movies that I don’t really want to see.

Profile photo of yardsailor

yardsailor on 6.17.2010

Pasta, any kind, any sauce, Pasta with Bacon, yum!!

Marti on 6.17.2010

Bacon!! The sad thing is I just saw an ad for Cost Plus World Market that had bacon chocolate bars, and I am considering trying one!

megelin on 6.17.2010

oreos. it’s ridiculous. i’ll eat the whole package if someone doesn’t take it away…

Mary B on 6.17.2010

Anything “buffalo” – I seriously always load up on sauce and am *shocked* when I get home to find I already have 3 bottles in the pantry! I make buffalo chicken dip, buffalo tenders, buffalo wings, buffalo shrimp, buffalo mashed potatoes… (stopping before I turn into Bubba Gump)

Profile photo of txgirl

txgirl on 6.17.2010

This is really sad but I am obsessed with cheese, good cheese like brie and extra sharp cheddar oh and a good creamy blue. Tortillas, good corn or flour are good also. They really go with everything.

Profile photo of karen4gators

karen4gators on 6.17.2010

I hate to admit this…………mayonaise. I could put it on just about anything. A close second is bread. If I was stranded on an island, I’d be happy with mayo, bread, cheese and wine. Plenty of wine.

Laura Bk on 6.17.2010

Am With you! A good all you can eat buffet.we are trying Machine Shed on Sunday

Lara on 6.17.2010

PIZZA! All kinds of pizza…especially homemade veggie pizza. Thai iced tea. Lately I’ve also had a terrible love affair with the m&m McFlurry.

Sarah on 6.17.2010

Cheese. I am utterly obsessed with cheese. Those Laughing Cow cheese wedges are about as healthy as I go. Give me a big block of extra sharp cheddar, Havarti with dill, Brie, or pretty much anything else, and I’m good to go.

likemamusedtobake on 6.17.2010

Chocolate. I would eat it round the clock if I could. I LOVES it!

Amy on 6.17.2010

Cheese! Oh my, the glory. Brie, Bleu, Roquefort, Swiss, Sharp Cheddar, Havarti…the variety, the creamy goodness of it all.

Profile photo of BrownSugarMeatloaf

BrownSugarMeatloaf on 6.17.2010

Oranges. Big, juicy, navel oranges. Pretty sure I eat about 15-17 per week and it’s definitely a time when I am not to be disturbed. Lord, help me.

Crystal on 6.17.2010

Spices! We try to limit visits to our local spice to once a month or so to keep our budget in hand … :) I could probably live for an extended period of time on hummus and ice cream, though!

Jessica H on 6.17.2010

I’m with you. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon.

Laura T. on 6.17.2010

I can’t pass down a sushi buffet. Knowing that a small portion at a sushi restaurant usually costs $20 but I can stuff myself at a buffet for only $30 is too hard to resist.

Jessica H on 6.17.2010

Bacon. I could eat it at every meal. My mouth is watering looking at that plate of yumminess your son created.

Profile photo of carolinagirl

carolinagirl on 6.17.2010

I always buy bacon at the store too! Whatever kind is on sale so that I always have some on hand!