The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
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What’s Your Food Obsession?

Posted by in Kitchen Talk

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

I have a problem.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a supermarket without adding a package of fatty porky goodness in my cart. Or approached a new menu without scanning first for a dish containing the “b” word. My weakness? An all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.

Some might call it a obsession; my husband just accepts my problem and counts his blessings that my thrill is cheap. Because my fixation could have been diamonds, Gucci purses or something that would require a line of credit to fulfill.

But I think my addiction has rubbed off on a certain little someone who’s barely even tall enough to reach the goods at the buffet line.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

And like any obsession … it starts with one.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

But with enough focus, bravery, stretch and dexterity …

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

One can easily say, “Like mother, like son.”

Tasty Kitchen Blog: What's Your Food Obsession? Guest post by Jaden Hair of Steamy Kitchen.

What’s your food obsession? Come on—we all have one! Though I fully understand that yours may be healthier, like chickpeas or wheatgrass (which tastes like 5th grade phys-ed class field hockey rotation).


Jaden Hair is a food writer, television personality, and food photographer based in Tampa Bay, Florida. Find more of her recipes in her blog, Steamy Kitchen, where you can also read more about Jaden’s new book, The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and the rave reviews it’s received!



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Foodiewife on 6.17.2010

Potatoes. Fried, boiled, mashed, baked. Love ‘em. But fries are my most dangerous obsession.

Candy on 6.17.2010

Goat cheese. Just can’t get enough.

aparna on 6.17.2010

Not so much food but a flavor, and that flavor is SPICE! If I could put chilies or garam masala in every dish, I would :D

Haley on 6.17.2010

Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt. It is the only thing that, without fail, I could eat on a daily basis. I am such a picky and finicky eater, that what I obsess about this week (or today, for that matter), may not appease me the next.

Profile photo of steamykitchen

steamykitchen on 6.17.2010

And apparently, I can sleep well because of 2 glasses of wine too.
Which is why my comment above made absolutely no sense.

Profile photo of steamykitchen

steamykitchen on 6.17.2010

THANK GOODNESS you guys came thought.


I though I was the only one who had food addictions.

I can sleep well tonight.

willblogforshoes on 6.17.2010

I also tell everyone that bacon is my favorite condiment. :)

Shelly @ LIfe on the Wild Side on 6.17.2010

Cheese, for sure. Each week I probably have four different kinds of cheese in my cart because you just never know when you’ll need a good hunk-o-cheese. Plus, there’s a cheese guy at our local farmer’s market who brings cheese down from Wisconsin and it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Ada Hathaway on 6.17.2010

I am going to have to go with Vpireiner, carbs, any and all kinds.

Profile photo of Stephanie

Stephanie on 6.17.2010

Life cereal. I limit myself to only eating a bowl for breakfast, else I would also eat it for lunch, dinner & dessert. =)

Profile photo of Jeanne (aka NanaBread)

Jeanne (aka NanaBread) on 6.17.2010

I don’t really have any obsessions, but I do have a few secret cravings that I indulge in when I’m alone, like:
really good dark chocolate dragged through creamy peanut butter
Funions (onion ring chips) with an ice cold V-8
pepperoni pizza with green olives baked in
Bugles (eaten off your fingertips)
I’m not proud…that’s why they’re called secret cravings (wink)!

christieRS on 6.17.2010

Pecans! Love them!

iburnrice on 6.17.2010

Bacon… it is seriously why I will never be a vegetarian. I’ll be a bacotarian.

Profile photo of mrswebbfisher

mrswebbfisher on 6.17.2010

Cheese. I want it on everything. All time favorite is cheese and crackers.

Georgia Pellegrini on 6.17.2010

I’m with you on the bacon. I cured my own and now I always have it at my disposal!

Sara Soda on 6.17.2010

Creme brulee. I will have it for dessert at any restaurant that offers it. I love it homemade, but the three-hour chilling time often proves to be the downfall of my patience. Recently, I found Ben and Jerry’s Creme Brulee ice cream and Oh. My. Goodness. I was in heaven for all of the hour that it took me to devour it. What’s that? 230 calories per half cup? Cardiovascular disease? Cottage cheesy thighs? Trifles, as long as I have my creme broulee ice cream. Mmm….

KellyMc on 6.17.2010

Bacon, bacon, bacon, BACON!

TaraBarn on 6.17.2010

Sweets. I bake 2-3 times a week. Cakes. Cookies. Truffles. You name it. I try to bake it.

I bring it to work so my coworkers will eat it, because I’m the only sweet eater in the house, and if it’s in my kitchen, I will eat it. My boss says she’s gained 10 lbs since I’ve started working there!

Andi on 6.17.2010

I cannot walk past the OREO jar without having one.

Musimom on 6.17.2010

Ice Cream. Almost any flavor. Creamy goodness. Can NOT live with out it.

TheresaSea on 6.17.2010

BREAD. Yeasty, warm, crusty goodness.

mrsmac on 6.17.2010

BACON! I can eat it on anything. It’s especially good on top of a good ole apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese on top of that.

Stephanie-Oh on 6.17.2010

Unfortunately, I have many food obsessions: bread, butter, bacon, icecream are a few of many! Oh another is cheese!

Devona on 6.17.2010

Right now I am obsessed with the perfect wedge salad…really it is my friend Tracy’s fault…she served the perfect one for a small dinner party one night and I have been seriously trying to duplicate since then. You would think that it would be sooo simple…but NO! It isn’t HER wedge salad…just my lame copy of it. What I eat truly everyday of my life is JIF Peanut Butter. Every. Single. Day. (yes! I’m kinda pathetic!! ha!!)

Profile photo of Rachael @ Row Merrily

Rachael @ Row Merrily on 6.17.2010

Doughnuts. Seriously, I don’t go into gas stations to pay anymore, because I can never EVER resist a (stale OR fresh) glazed doughnut with chocolate and sprinkles! I need help!

Patty Paulsen on 6.17.2010

Bacon cannot be considered an obsession. Ever. Amen. Therefore, I have no obsessions.

Joan C. on 6.17.2010

Chocolate, I fear…although bread comes in a close second.

Meredith on 6.17.2010

I have a problem. It is cold–frozen, in fact. It is usually sweet. It comes in multiple wonderful flavor combinations. It is ice cream. No ice cream is safe from me. Well…maybe garlic, but I haven’t tried garlic ice cream, so for all I know I might love it. Ice cream is our friend.

Profile photo of soufflebombay

soufflebombay on 6.17.2010

You hit the nail on the head sister – BACON…sigh!

If I were going to the moon and could only have 5 foods for the rest of my life…bacon would be coming with me…and Shrimp!!

Bacon, shrimp, bacon AND shrimp, who needs the other 3!!

Your son is a cutie BTW :)

Katie on 6.17.2010

I have the bacon problem too! I can incorporate it into every meal of the day. Braise some cabbage or greens with it, wrap asparagus in it, on a sandwich, with pasta, in my homemade spaghetti sauce or even by itself. Salty fatty goodness.

Sabrina on 6.17.2010

French fries even though Greek food would be right behind but most of the souvlaki plates come with fries so I guess it’s hands down fries.

Tracey on 6.17.2010

Definitely Salsa & Chips…Guac too. I could literally eat this all day every day!

Profile photo of scrumptiousbites

scrumptiousbites on 6.17.2010

Cheese! I can never pass it up…I just love the stuff, all of it…all colors, kinds, flavors, and textures. Now I’m hungry all over again!

Judy H on 6.17.2010

Cheese. I could live on the foods that start with “C” and my grocery list always has cheese, chocolate, Coke & coffee.

Carah M. on 6.17.2010

Fresh Cilantro!!! I put it on everything. Including fresh fruit for dessert. :)

JoanS on 6.17.2010

I’d have to vote for bread, too!

Profile photo of elian1

elian1 on 6.17.2010


Mine is home made bacon that I cured and smoked on my Big Green Egg…my favorite is my pepper bacon…you need to get busy and make your own…OMG deeelicious…

Kim Y.

Married to an Aussie in OK on 6.17.2010

Mushrooms. I can’t help it. I try to put them in everything.

Angelique on 6.17.2010

Chocolate. And Coca-Cola. I can’t help myself.

Profile photo of sweepea

sweepea on 6.17.2010

usually bacon… and butter, but the past year or so i have decided to branch out in my lust for pig, and am trying to eat my way through all Mexican/Latin hot and/or savory pork recipes. especially if they are an unholy color, or swimming in fat. and with homemade tortillas.

why is this a solitary quest? is it a pork pilgrimage after so many years spent on just one porcine aspect? who’s to say, but i will tell you how it turns out… if i survive it.

anyway, i blame the economy. somehow.

Profile photo of princessjade

princessjade on 6.17.2010

I have many! I adore potatoes, cooked any way! I love salad, chocolate, I can literally eat bowls of whipped cream, and haribo! God help me haribo!

Suzanne on 6.17.2010

Anything salty (which fits bacon quite well), starchy, or chocolate. I LOVE popcorn and have been known to eat for breakfast (this week). I also really love bacon and would seriously give chocolate covered bacon a try. Maybe I could put bacon bits and chuncks of chocolate in my popcorn….

Jennifer on 6.17.2010

Onions. I love them so, so much. My love of onions is only rivaled with my love of garlic. There have been threats of interventions regarding my need to add garlic to everything.

Molly P. on 6.17.2010

Fresh pineapple. I buy one per week for myself. Oh you think that’s healthy? I also have an unhealthy obsession with potatoes and cheese. Yum!

Candace Underwood on 6.17.2010

How do I pick just one?

I’d say anything sweet. Especially those bags of small chocolate donuts. Yummmmm….. I won’t buy them because I will eat the entire bad in one sitting!

Paula Clark on 6.17.2010

Bacon is a top choice, but I love all meat! I’m sorry.

April on 6.17.2010

Crab cakes. I can’t help but order them on nearly any menu. I have to taste them to see if they are better than mine and if so, how to improve mine.

Jody Gates on 6.17.2010

I think I have more than one, but for top pick I’d have to say pizza, pizza, pizza!

Kimberley on 6.17.2010

My new obsession. Guacamole. I could eat it on everything. Heck, sometimes I just eat it with a spoon. It’s a disease!

Profile photo of Monica

Monica on 6.17.2010

I would have to say that Avocado is my food obsession. I put it on everything I possibly can, and most of the time I just eat it with a spoon! It’s hands down my favorite food, and I’m loving how they keep telling me it’s healthy! :)