Today is not only Columbus Day here in the US, but up north, because today is the second Monday of October, it also happens to be Canadian Thanksgiving Day. So we thought we’d spent a little time giving thanks for—and to—our beloved Canadian members!
Let’s start with our resident Canuck: Dara (cookincanuck), who is now based in Utah. Dara is a prolific food blogger and Tasty Kitchen member. She’s also a regular here at the Tasty Kitchen Blog. Believe me, it was difficult trying to pick out only a few recipes to showcase from her 115-strong recipe box, but I gave it my best shot.

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Sid's Sea Palm Cooking on 10.28.2011
You’ve got another Canadian here. And so sorry I missed the original post. I celebrate both the Canadian and American Thanksgivings. I mean, you can’t have Turkey just once a year, can you? I’m gearing up for a large celebration next month, since we’ll have at least 20 or possibly more here for Thanksgiving. We’re having everyone over who doesn’t have family in the area and want to spend the day with friends. I’m doing the Turkey, Mashed Potato’s and gravy and asking our guests to bring the one dish that means “Thanksgiving” to them. It could be cranberry sauce, green bean casserole or … Always fun to see what special dishes people bring. I’ll also be making the Pioneer Woman’s ‘Green Bean Casserole again this year, it was a hit when I made it last year.
And you mentioned Nanaimo Bars, sigh. Something I make at least once, twice, three or more times a year. And since I used to live on the ‘Island’, just south of Nanaimo, I can say I have some small knowledge of how I think they should taste. Of course there are all kinds of variations out there, and I’m slowly trying more and more of them.
Crystal on 10.15.2011
Thanks for mentioning us and our early celebration
Our daughter cooked dinner last weekend: turkey with bread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, mashed carrots and turnips(mixed together), sweet potatoes with peanut butter and coconut (yummy!), fruit salad with whipped cream (not for dessert – as part of the main course), lettuce salad with pears, pecans, dried cranberries and a maple cream dressing, dill pickles, cranberry relish and whole wheat honey buns. Dessert was apple pie or pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I’m cooking this weekend for friends who just got back from a European holiday and it will be much the same. It’s so good that you can do it two weekends in a row, right?!
With colder temperatures up here in Alberta our decorating is confined to the house and not so much in the yard. I do love seeing all the beautiful ways our US neighbours dress up their houses and yards.
LadyJane on 10.14.2011
Thank you all for responding to my question about traditional foods! BTW- I don’t like the marshmallow and yam/sweet potato thing either! Yuck! Give me plain baked or mashed sweet potato w/a little butter, salt and peppper anytime. Not crazy bout green bean casserole – until I had it w/ fresh green beans and homemade sauce instead of the canned mushroom soup!
Celestine on 10.13.2011
I live in Norfolk, Virginia and I spent Canadian Thanksgiving in Sarnia, Ontario with my fiance Phil and six friends. The weather last weekend was so amazing that we actually ate outside. It was pretty traditional fare; turkey, sausage and mushroom stuffing, gravy, cranberry-raspberry relish, roasted potatoes and shallots, asparagus and green beans with toasted pecans, and pumpkin and apple pies. I love the idea that I now get two Thanksgivings. Phil will be down to visit me in November. I can’t wait!
Anna on 10.13.2011
Yay, so fun to see other Canadian members! I’m from BC, lived in Ottawa, and now back in beautiful BC…so happy that blogging means we have an excuse to celebrate and cook for TWO Thanksgivings
cookincanuck on 10.12.2011
Aww, thanks so much for this wonderful post! We Canadians (whether living at home in Canada or abroad) appreciate your Thanksgiving wishes.
jodivee on 10.12.2011
just read this now – was busy filling my tummy with a fabulous turkey dinner!
Thank you for the acknowledgment!! I hope all of my fellow Canadians had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Christine L. on 10.11.2011
mmmm It was a delish get together! Thank you friends to the south, we hope your Columbus Day was spectacular.
The menu here was fantabulous. Turkey and Prime Rib Roast, cornbread stuffing (no sausage this time, I’m working on perfecting my stuffing so trying different varieties each time – I combined a little of the USA for fun this time), turkey gravy, sweet potatoes with butter and vanilla, warm beets, carrots and brown sugar, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes…Dessert was over the top with a pumpkin cheesecake, warm apple pie, petits fours and cream. Shortly after dinner the tryptophan effect happened and all we wanted to do was sleep!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving all
Janet on 10.11.2011
AWW thanks for the inclusion for being such a newbie! I’m devouring the leftovers after another thanksgiving dinner aborad– NOTHING like the giant feast I’d get back home with turkey, roast potatoes, candied yams, cheesy cauliflower and broccoli a la Aunt Norma (my fav), stuffing – two kinds, one with sasage and cranberries and the other just plain, 3 bean salad, rolls, pecan pie, pumpkin pie… really the list goes on! I hope wherever you are, you are able to tuck into something delicious and be thankful!
SusanP in ON on 10.10.2011
Our menu is turkey (as close to 30 pounds as Mum can get! All $77 worth!), mashed white potatoes, baked mashed sweet potatoes (in the pure form only!), dressing (no sausage in the end of the bird, but mum’s dressing is made with ground sausage meat), the best dark gravy ever as she cooks it hot and fast, and a frozen veg. Used to be peas but sissy in law doesn’t care for them so it is plain old mixed veg now.
I was going to say… those Nanaimo bars -sacreligiious!!! But nutella…may just have to make those! FWIW, they may have been called chocolate slice in other parts of the country before gaining the present name–historical check with a church cookbook of my mothers that predates the Nanaimo name!
We always have pumpkin pie (which is a pain in Canada as you have to search way in the back of the freezer for last year’s jackolantern flesh!) I think that is why butter tarts or more likely to be seen at Christmas time.
It is a quieter holiday here, as most Canadian ones are! No sports related anything…heck the stores are even closed!
Now if we could only get that certain cooking show to get across that long border…which apparently is far more protected electronically than physically!!!
carly-fries on 10.10.2011
Thanks for recognizing us Canadians!! At our house we have all the regular thanksgiving fare with certain staples like creamed corn, cabbage rolls, squash, pumpkin pie… check out my all-canadian recipe for Puffed Wheat Cake too!
seafieldfarm on 10.10.2011
Aww! You guys are so sweet! I am so thankful to be featured along side such amazing Canadian talent! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Shannon on 10.10.2011
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
To add to Karlie’s response to LadyJane, we also have stuffing/dressing, but cornbread stuffing/dressing is very rare (as is cornbread here unless you make it yourself). My family does the sausage thing in the end of the bird (it’s REALLY good). There was always mashed turnips on the table (my mum’s fave), and sometimes they would add marshmallows on top of that to make the kids eat it (it just tasted even grosser). Broccoli, peas and carrots, but, yeah, no green bean casserole with those fried onions on top. Never eaten that kind of dish before. Dessert is pumpkin pie or apple pie.
The nutella Nanaimo bars look yummy, but just wondering where the quintessential Canadian “Butter Tarts” are? I guess those are more of a Christmas thing for us.
veshke on 10.10.2011
Well, for this canuck (from Edmonton, Alberta) it is the traditional turkey dinner. I know a lot of people also do ham and Ukrainian food (that is probably a local thing)… but turkey and all the fixings and then pumpkin pie for dessert is the standard around here
I use American Thanksgiving as an excuse to cook another turkey! So thanks to our neighbours from the south for giving me another excuse!
Karlie on 10.10.2011
A lot of the same standard fare but with subtle changes: we usually have a turkey, but a fair number of people (my husband’s family included) put sausage in the end of the bird, after the stuffing/dressing. It’s a British tradition I think!
We also usually have mashed potatoes, veggies (brussels sprouts are common, but I think it varies with families), cranberry sauce, and lots of gravy! We usually have pumpkin pie for dessert. Most families have a few “family specialty” dishes too that always appear. For instance, my family is Scandinavian so we often have cabbage and there’s usually pickled herring and rye crackers on the table.
Things we DON’T commonly have, unless there’s an American in the family: the yam thing with marshmallows on top and green bean casserole. Sorry my lovely US friends, but I’m kind of horrified by the yams in particular! I don’t like yams or sweet potatoes anyway though.
LadyJane on 10.10.2011
So, what is on the ‘traditional Canadian thanksgiving’ menu? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks, and have a most wonderful day!
Shim Farm on 10.10.2011
Fellow Canadian here! Happy Thanksgiving day to anyone who’s celebrating today!
I’m pretty glad we’re all neighbors, too!
Now, about those Nutella Nanaimo bars…wow!
Kay, The Church Cook on 10.10.2011
Three cheers for our Canadian friends! Thank you for all the scrumptious recipes @TK!
Kerry on 10.10.2011
Awwwww!!!!!! Thanks American Buddies, we Canadians enjoy your American Thanksgiving. O.K. it does come with great shopping opportunities too EH!!!!
MelissaC on 10.10.2011
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canucks!