It hits all of us at some point during our day. Sometimes more than once. It’s often the first thing kids want after school, or what grownups need in the afternoon to get them through those last few hours at the office. Even though we try our best to choose wisely when it comes to food, some days all we really want to do is reach for a candy bar (or a Chocolate Almond Stick like those beauties in the photo above). Or head to the drive-through lane of a fast food chain. Or toss a bag of crunchies in the shopping cart during that quick grocery trip after work. It happens.
Ever since I saw a recipe for a Twinkie/Susie Q Cake from TK member acrafton, I knew that one of these days, I’d like to do a post on homemade versions of popular snacks. Today happens to be that day. I can’t wait to show you all the loot!
Let’s start with all those classic snacks we like to munch on, whether it’s at a fair, or a ballgame, or something we pick up from the neighborhood convenience store or donut shop. Just look at the snackfest that we have going on below.
Top row, from left to right: Boiled Peanuts from missamy, those infamous Funnel Cakes from HeatherD, and Homemade Cracker Jack from Mommy’s Kitchen. Middle row, from left to right: childhood favorite Oatmeal Creme Pies from whatmegansmaking, better than stadium-bought Super Awesome Pretzels from coolguy, and Ree’s dastardly Homemade Glazed Doughnuts. Bottom row, from left to right: summer treat Homemade Jell-O Pudding Pops from Mommy’s Kitchen, Homemade Pop Tarts from kimt, and Homemade Granola Bars from Karly Campbell.
Or perhaps you’d rather snack on something more savory. Something to tide you over until your next square meal, like some chicken nuggets, fries, onion rings, or Hot Pockets. I found some of those too, so you won’t have to drive out to get them, or buy their frozen counterparts.
Left column, from top to bottom: Oven Baked Onion Rings from ashleyrodriguez, and a hungry teen’s favorite, Pizza Pockets from handmadetherapy. Center column, from top to bottom: amazing Spicy Panko Crusted Chicken Strips from southerngracegourmet, those little Chinese takeout delights called Crab Rangoons from Maeghan, and Sweet Potato Fries with Curry Mayo from novascotian that are sooo much better than regular fries. Right column, from top to bottom: Oven-Dried Potato Chips (and Apple Ones Too!) from jenniferperillo, and, just in time for Cinco de Mayo, some Chicken Taquitos from blessingsinabundance.
Sometimes, what you crave is one of those popular store drinks. Have a taste for a certain chain’s frappuccino? Try savorysweetlife’s DIY Home Frappuccino and Mocha Frappuccino below. She also has a Mango Orange Smoothie if you prefer that chain’s fruitier menu items. If it’s sweet tea you want, then try the Sweet Tea from ButterYum. Or maybe all you want is a regular bottle of chocolate milk. If so, Ree’s Homemade Chocolate Milk for the Fridge will come in handy. Or try a Frozen Hot Chocolate that MamaFoodie first encountered at a restaurant in New York.
In my case, however, the snack attack usually comes in some form of candy craving. Preferably involving chocolate. I’ve been known to eye the bag of chocolate chips in my cupboard, deterred only by my inability to figure out a secure-enough hiding place where there’s zero chance of anyone in the house discovering me there with a half-eaten bag of baking chips.
I know. I need help.
So I thought it only fitting to end this post with the collage that follows. It needs no introduction, and no explanation. I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves. Besides, I wouldn’t want to interrupt you while you look at these and begin to contemplate turning your kitchen into a candy bar factory.
Clockwise from top left: Deliciously Dandy Ding Dongs from Clabbergirl, Homemade Peanut Butter Cups from sweettooth, Homemade Twix Cookies from Rebecca, Homemade Thin Mints from A Cozy Kitchen, Mounds Candy Bars from elanaspantry, and Chocolate Covered Pretzels from Noshings.
Aah. Snacks. My favorite meal of the day. Snacks, and dinner. Lunch, too. And breakfast. Did I leave anything out?
Now it’s my turn to hear from you. Are you a snacker? Do you like munching on stuff, or do you pretty much stick to the major meals of the day? Are you more of a salty snack fan, or does your sweet tooth call the shots? Or are you an equal opportunity snacker who enjoys salty-sweet and spicy-tart and crunchy-bitter and fluffy-sticky (okay, I’m making this stuff up now) combos? Do share!
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mbt shoes on 5.7.2010
good share, great article, very usefull for us…thank you
Rebecca on 4.30.2010
A block of cheese, a stack of pepperoni, some pickle slices and a pile of salines also works as a snack, Erika. Just in case someone asks later
I’m an inveterate snacker. I can’t help it. Thanks for enabling me.
(And including my homemade Twix cookies. Talk about deadly!)
Erika (TK) on 4.29.2010
Aah! I’m in good company then! So glad I’m not the only one who’s resorted to raiding the chocolate chip bag.
A block of sharp cheese counts as a snack too sometimes, right? ‘Cause … uhm … someone else was asking.
jackieskitchen on 4.29.2010
I’m making the baked potato chips right now! I’m going to add Blue Cheese crumbles before eating! Yummy, I can’t wait.
jazzy on 4.29.2010
thanks. thanks a lot. that pic at the end just ruined me. now I’d seriously like to leave work and go home so I could make pics 1, 3, and 5.
Mrs. W on 4.29.2010
When ever I need to lose a couple of pounds I clean out my “snack drawer” : ( That is how much I like to snack. Then about once a month we have a dinner of just appetizer foods. My kids have taken to calling it “snack junk night”. I then feel guilty for serving all the high cholesteral food to my family and serve extra fruits and veggies for days afterward. Aaaaaaah the temptations!
Cheryl W. on 4.29.2010
I’m a snacker. Sometimes we “snack” for dinner – lots of finger foods and even veggies and dip.
Jeanette on 4.29.2010
I love to snack!! Actually look forward to that witching hour between lunch and dinner. Well, I should also point out, the hours between dinner and bedtime are good for snacking too
Sandra Moore on 4.29.2010
Good cheese and good, multigrain crackers is my current craze. In order to get that salty sweet thing going, I usually follow this with a few chips from my secret stash of chocolate chips.
muamy72 on 4.29.2010
Um, I should not be looking at this before breakfast. It’s making my bagel with cream cheese seem very unappealing; I’d rather be scarfing down homemade Ding Dongs instead! Sweet snacks all the way, baby – the more chocolate, the better!
Jennie on 4.29.2010
What yummy looking treats. I could go for that homemade ring ding right now (and it’s only 8am!). Thanks for including my oven dried potato chips in your round up Ree.
Michelle Wallace on 4.29.2010
I admit it. I have a sweet tooth. I usually need a little sack around 4:00pm – just before dinner. The lemon lime bars posted looked good.
Lisa in France on 4.29.2010
I have 7 kids, and some experience with children arriving literally ‘starving’ back from school, and here’s what I do: I ALWAYS have a bowl of fresh fruit in a bowl on the counter, nothing exotic, apples, oranges, bananas. And when they moan about being too hungry to wait for dinner I always offer a piece of fruit. And you would be surprised how often the starving children decide that after all, they’ll wait for dinner. Good for my food budget, and ensures clean plates at dinner and is also good for everyone’s waistlines. And it works for husbands too
We do have yummy snacks now and then, usually on week-ends. The oven baked onion rings I see above are definitely getting made!
Renee' on 4.28.2010
There goes my diet! All I can say is…Oh, Yum!!
Heather on 4.28.2010
What are you doing to me?! I just downed a molten chocolate lava cake from here (super yummy, by the way!) and now you have this post?! My gym membership does not thank you.
(However, my sweet tooth totally does!)
jboyd17 on 4.28.2010
I have a horrible sweet tooth ever since having my son. I was able to eat whatever I wanted during pregnancy and I haven’t stopped. If there is chocolate, or ice cream, or mmmm Chocolate AND Ice Cream watch out!
Married to an Aussie in OK on 4.28.2010
I have a BAAAD sweet tooth, but my blood sugar often revolts. Then I have salty foods. And so the cycle continues.
Lisa on 4.28.2010
This is one seriously evil post….
bakingstorm on 4.28.2010
Its so hard not to snack in the last few hours of work so I try to have an apple on hand but sometimes when its not what I want I go for chips or nuts, but I’m not too fussy
Jacqueline Strand on 4.28.2010
This is a great post. Thanks so much. I really hate packaged snack foods and rarely buy convenience foods so I love the idea of having recipes for things like this to make for my family.
LadyG on 4.28.2010
hello, 3 kiddies 5 & under & still nursing one…. yeah, snacking is nearly the bane of my existence
Wendy on 4.28.2010
I am a snacker, I would like to say a secret snacker but my dress size gives me away. Thanks for all the interesting and new ideas for snacking.
Lola on 4.28.2010
I also will snack on just about anything. Love sweets, crunchy, salty or all together. It really doesn’t matter.
Amy from She Wears Many Hats (missamy) on 4.28.2010
Dangerous post! So many great snack ideas that I’ve missed here on Tasty Kitchen. The chocolate covered pretzels are calling my name – nothing better than a salty/sweet combo. And I’ve gotta go get one of those mocha coffee drinks now! Right now!
Abbie Doser on 4.28.2010
Funny you should ask…I’m eating a 100 calorie pack of Fudge Shoppe Grasshopper Fudge Dipped Mint Cookies at this very moment. They’re alright if you’re a mint cookie kind a gal…which I’m not, really. But that was the best option I could find in our “snack shack” here at work.
(Actually that’s not true, the snack shack is LOADED with candy bars, which are clearly the tastier option.)
My overall preference would be a salty snack…but since my lunch didn’t have anything sweet in it I needed a little dose of sugar this afternoon.
Nancy on 4.28.2010
Oh my goodness, I’m a snacker!! I do take an orange cut up in a baggie to work to snack. Everyone thinks I eat so healthy!! Then at home I have sweet and/or salty choices.
Erika, if anyone sees the opened bag of chocolate chips, do what I do. Tell them you don’t remember which recipe, but it only called for 1/4 cup (or 1/2 cup, etc., whatever is missing from the bag) of the chips. You’re looking for more recipes that use less than a full bag.
Laura Angui on 4.28.2010
Those candies at the end are pure evil deliciousness. I try to avoid buying snack food because I’ll eat it, but I just end up stealing my kids’ snack pack pudding cups, applesauce cups, etc. Or the traditional “a few chocolate chips won’t hurt” method.
Andrea MacDonald on 4.28.2010
I love all snacks!!!
sweetebakes on 4.28.2010
oh man am I a snacker.. Im the go-to office when anyone is in need of something to munch on at work and I offer up the whole gambit.. i’ve got sweet, salty, little snacks, big snacks…ha But if it was up to me my sweet tooth always wins!!
Mary on 4.28.2010
Oh I’m a major snacker. I have a stash in one of my cubicle drawers – and judging by the contents (pretzels, popcorn, chips) I’m definitely a salty-food snacker! (I do have jelly beans too in case I need a sweet fix!)
These recipes look soooo good…I might have to test some out!
ashleyc on 4.28.2010
Total snacker and its always sweet!
carolinagirl on 4.28.2010
Erika, I have found myself ripping open the chocolate chips on several occassions!! Sometimes you just need chocolate and that’s all there is in the house!! I’ve been on a major diet for the last 5 1/2 weeks and would give my eye teeth for any one of the snacks above!!
Jen on 4.28.2010
OMG, those dessert ones are making my head spin.
dishinanddishes on 4.28.2010
Haven’t eaten breakfast and now I’m STARVING from looking at these pics!
I want a recipe for Fried Green Beans, my new favorite snack at restaurants. You have totally inspired me to try my hand at it now!
Stephanie on 4.28.2010
All those snacks look great to me (but not great for my waistline- but that’s another story). Sometimes I just get a craving for some pretzels and a diet cola. I don’t know why. Just sounds good. I like popcorn with a movie, and I like sweet stuff too. Covered pretzels (white or chocolate, doesn’t matter to me) are some of my favorite things ever for snacking. I really don’t go much for candy bars or twinkie-type treats. Cookies- yes. Cake- yes. But then these venture into “dessert” range instead of “snack range.” OK, now I am rambling. Thank goodness it’s close to lunch now.
curegirl0421 on 4.28.2010
Awesome… I’m always on the lookout for stuff my 14 year old can make and eat for lunch on her own during the summer besides leftovers, PB&Js and boxed mac-n-cheese, and I think I can probably make and freeze quite a few of these (the taquitos and the pizza rolls for sure) for her to heat and eat.
How about an “easy summer lunches” theme or similar? I’d love some more EASY (again, she’s 14) ideas, and I’m sure there’s other ladies out there in the same predicament, either with on-their-own teens or a brood to feed every day, all summer!
miss jonie on 4.28.2010
I snack on beverages I drink ice tea and iced coffee and slushies those are my snacks
gingela5 on 4.28.2010
Naturally I’m a huge snacker. I could snack on stuff ALL DAY! But, to keep the weight down I try to mainly stick to the main meals. Which is depressing
whatmegansmaking on 4.28.2010
i will snack on pretty much anything – salty, crunchy, sweet. it’s bad. I love food:)
bunkycooks on 4.28.2010
Wow! I am not a huge snack person, but could be converted after seeing all of these goodies! The savory ones would be my weakness and then chocolate (of, course!).
coolbee on 4.28.2010
Oh my gosh, I’m so flattered! Thank you for the shoutout! I really do need to make those pretzels again – they’re a lot of work, but they’re quite yummy
I usually get lazy and just cut the dough into bite-sized pieces – they make a lovely bus-ride-home snack, for sure.
And believe me, I’m a snacker. I take snacking to the extreme! I’m pretty equal-opportunity when it comes to snacks, but I have to admit that cereal is my main weakness. I take a baggy of it with me to work and much throughout the day. I’ve found that honeycomb and miniwheats are the best for munching because the pieces are fairly large and not all sugary/messy like lots of cereals.
ctbsmom on 4.28.2010
Chocolate all the way. Chocolate covered peanuts is one of my weaknesses.
Jessica @ How Sweet on 4.28.2010
I am SUCH a snacker. I snack all through the day! I always need sweet + salty to go together. I love greek yogurt with honesy (sweet) and peanuts (salty)!