8 Reviews
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Mrs. Farnsworth on 1.3.2012

I wish people would remove their ‘1-mitten’ reviews because of their own user error. This was absolutely delicious and the only probably I had was my bread bowls weren’t big enough so we had to get more than one ‘serving’!
erinond on 11.7.2011

I guess I should have read the reviews and comments before making this – I added the cheese as stated in the recipe (once the milk mixture is near boiling) and my cheese seperated. Super frustrated as I was looking forward to trying this. Lesson learned!
prairieprincess on 10.31.2011

Loved the consistency of the soup (why didn’t I ever think of making the broccoli that consistency?!?) but had to add some extra seasonings to make it really pop. My kids loved it though, 2 and 3 bowls each! I’ll definitely make it again just adding some more spices.

nlovewj on 10.30.2011

Just make sure to add the cheese slowly and while its not boiling like the other reviewers stated and its pretty tasty!

MomOnTheRun on 10.30.2011

Overall, it wasn’t bad for my first time making Broccoli Cheddar soup. However, it did lack that cheddar-y goodness that my family loves, even after adding extra cheese. It was thick, so I added a bit extra milk to thin it down a bit. I didn’t cook mine on high temp at all, and added all my ingredients slowly, so I suppose that is why my cheese didn’t do anything weird. Not bad.
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Amanda on 10.23.2011
This looks great, but I just cook for me and my husband. Does this soup freeze well? That way, it’d be much easier to store big bunches for weeknight dinners.
rebexas on 3.6.2010
just made this. deeeeeelicious! we threw in a bit of garlic with the onion for more of a kick. tasted just like some of my favorite restaurant soups.
dorothycates on 2.9.2010
I made this for dinner tonight, and it was great! Thank you so much!
leah2021 on 2.2.2010
This looks wonderful. Can’t wait to try it!