10 Reviews
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okilisa on 3.8.2012

I loved the ease of prep with this recipe. I was super jazzed to cook it in the slow cooker. I tend to agree with another commenter who thought the meat was dry. The flavor was great but I couldn’t get past the dryness of the beef. What do you think the solution is? What do you do to yours to ensure it stays moist? The sauce was the best I’ve ever had! Thanks for sharing.

polticomama on 7.17.2011

These were good, but not as good as I had hoped. Cavender’s seasoning is not available where we live so I used a mediterrain spice blend. I found the meet to be a little dryer than I like. Overall good, but I have made better.
lovestoeat on 1.17.2011

A new favorite in our house – love finding new slow cooker meals and this one is a definite winner.
prairieprincess on 8.31.2010

I am AMAZED. I gotta tell you i doubted that plain old hamburger would even come close to resembling my beloved gyros. But alas, I was WRONG. And the sauce..oh my the sauce. It tastes just like what I would get at the state fair which around here is the only place you can get them.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for making my Greek dreams come true.
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Danielle on 6.1.2011
Oh this sounds so easy, and delicious. Though I have not cooked this yet, I was so happy to come across it. I’m from the west burbs of Chicago, and now live in Minnesota. I don’t come across gyros much anymore, so this should be fun to try this summer. I will come back and rate for sure!
funnydiebarbarin on 7.23.2010
I thought I’d post an update. It’s now been a year since I first tried this recipe, and my husband and I have had “real” gyros now.
My husband has decided that these are the best gyros in the world. Every time company comes and I ask him for ideas on what to serve, he suggests this. He also requests this at least once a month.
The only other changes I’ve made to this recipe (besides than using roast instead of hamburger) is the sauce. I use 8oz of fat free cream cheese, with a dash of fresh lemon juice and just enough milk to make spreadable; and I use 1/8tsp black pepper instead of sugar. I also slice the cucumber really thin with a vegetable peeler and put in in the pita as a topping instead of shredding it into the sauce.
purplepadres on 1.17.2010
I love gyros, but my New Year’s resolution is to eat out less and cook more. I actually substituted ground chicken, and it still came out great!
mdpriss on 1.15.2010
Talk about a hit! The sauce was wonderful and the meat was super easy. Thanks!
redarrowranch on 12.15.2009
We love the flavor of the meat in this recipe!
For the cucumber yogurt sauce, it’s much more creamy if you drain the yogurt in a small strainer lined with a paper coffee filter first. It takes a few hours or overnight for all the liquid to drain off, but it’s worth taking the extra time!