3 Reviews
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thesoccermom on 12.10.2013

Excellent! Didn’t make the risotto (I didn’t have any on hand), and used venison tenderloin tips. The whole family loved it! I’ll definitely make sure to have risotto on hand the next time I make this. (Oh, only other thing I did differently was to use fat free evaporated milk instead of cream. Worked brilliantly.)
Kara on 8.20.2011

WOW! This is fantastic! I didn’t make your risotto..but I made my own risotto the first time I made it, and I put it over egg noodles the second time I made it.. both times it was absolutely delicious! Thank you for a recipe I will use for years to come.

jillpickle on 7.9.2010

Lou, this was hands down like something that should come out of a restaurant. It was *heavenly*! I served mine over egg noodles b/c I’m too lazy to make risotto. ROFL! It was so good though. I cannot thank you enough for posting this! EVERYONE should make this!
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