4 Reviews
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epool on 11.6.2014

This was an amazing combination of flavors! I used a whole onion (we’re serious onion ring eaters here) & those on top of the chipotle butter/steak was fabulous!
gsnow on 4.7.2012

Delicious. I purchased a couple of inexpensive steaks from Aldi grocery store and fixed everything but the onions. Even without the onions it is very good.
Melanie on 9.22.2011

I was afraid to cook the steaks anywhere other than the grill and these turned out really good. My new favorite thing is chipotle butter…. yum!

howsweet on 6.29.2011

I have had the ancho chili butter on skirt steaks before and have absolutely LOVED it. Onions were AMAZING…only complaint from my husband is that I didn’t make enough of them. Will definately make twice as many onions next time. Thank you SO much for this amazing recipe.
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Grace on 6.22.2011
Shelbi, this sounds incredible,I know my boys are gonna’ flip when they try it! Awesome idea!