The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
Profile photo of savorysweetlife

Stuffed French Toast

Posted by in Step-by-Step Recipes

Since Ree is somewhere in D.C. right now with her gushing armpits (sorry for that visual on a cooking blog), we’ve invited a very special guest to host the Tasty Recipe post this week. Quite coincidentally, this lovely lady was also our very first member featured here in the Tasty Kitchen blog. She’s fabulous in so many ways, and we’re so glad to have her here. And boy, has she picked a great recipe to share with us today. Take it away, Alice!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

French toast is one of my most favorite foods to eat any time of the day. When I saw this Tasty Kitchen recipe posted by manda2177, it was love at first sight. It makes ordinary French toast extraordinary. May I introduce you to Stuffed French Toast?

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Here’s a list of everything you need: a loaf of French or Italian bread, eggs, milk, butter, cream cheese, cinnamon, and jam or fresh fruit (if you’re like me, you’ll use both). I also added slivered almonds just for the fun of it, but you don’t have to … unless you want to. If you do, let me know when and where I can invite myself over for breakfast. Thanks.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Before you can invite me over for breakfast, you’ll need to know how to make this. Slice a loaf of bread in 2-inch pieces. You should get about six pieces all together, not including the end pieces. Using a paring knife, cut a deep slit across the top in the middle of each slice, approximately 4 inches long (as pictured above). This will form your “pocket.” Once you’re done, set the bread aside.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

I decided to go with strawberries for the filling. They were almost too pretty to eat. You could use any fruit or no fruit at all, but I highly recommend strawberries.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and cut slices in each one. Turn them a quarter turn and slice them again, adding them to a bowl.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Next, macerate the strawberries, which is fancy way of saying add a little sugar and mix it in. Set them aside and allow the sugar to release its magic.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Next, add jam to the cream cheese and mix both of them until well combined.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

The cream cheese mixture now looks like strawberry yogurt. Yum!

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Now comes the fun part! Grab a slice of bread and add about a tablespoon (or as much as you like) of cream cheese filling. Personally, I like about 2 tablespoons per slice. Do the same thing with the fresh fruit. Make sure to close the opening by gently pressing the bread together. This will make frying them easier and less messy. Set the filled slices aside.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Now it’s time to make the egg bath. Mix eggs, milk, and cinnamon together until well mixed. Turn the stove top on to medium-high to preheat the skillet. While your skillet is heating up, dip sliced bread in the egg wash for about 20 seconds on both sides. Only dip as many slices as you plan on frying. In other words, if your pan can only fry two pieces at a time, be sure to only coat two pieces of bread a time.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Add a little butter to the surface of skillet. This will help prevent the French toast from sticking. I heart butter.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Fry each slice for about 3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Remove from heat and serve.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

If you’re interested in making your stuffed French toast a little more glamorous, sprinkle powdered sugar over the tops of the slices and garnish with fresh strawberries and almonds.

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Look at how beautiful these babies are! Can you believe how easy that was, yet how fancy this looks by adding a little magic dust (a.k.a. powdered sugar)?

Tasty Kitchen Blog: Stuffed French Toast. Guest post by Alice Currah of Savory Sweet Life, recipe submitted by TK member Amanda (manda2177) of I Am Baker.

Final thoughts: although I loved this recipe, I would like to suggest a few things. For a whole loaf of bread, you may want to double the amount of cream cheese and jam the original recipe calls for. If you plan on using fresh strawberries for the filling like I did, I recommend using a 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries with 1 tablespoon of sugar mixed in. Also, because I found the stuffed French toast was plenty sweet on its own, I opted not to add maple syrup.

Many thanks to Amanda for this great recipe. It’s now in my regular Sunday morning rotation!


Printable Recipe

Stuffed French Toast

4.91 Mitt(s) 22 Rating(s)22 votes, average: 4.91 out of 522 votes, average: 4.91 out of 522 votes, average: 4.91 out of 522 votes, average: 4.91 out of 522 votes, average: 4.91 out of 5

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Difficulty: Easy

Servings: 6



A wonderful twist on a breakfast classic!


  • 1 loaf French Bread
  • 3 Tablespoons Any Flavor Fruit Spread (You Can Also Use Jelly, Jam, Or Fresh Fruit)
  • ½ packages Cream Cheese (4 Oz), At Room Temperature
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
  • ½ cups Skim Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter

Preparation Instructions

Heat skillet or electric griddle to 325 to 350 degrees.

Cut french bread into 2-3 inch wide slices. Then, with a paring knife, go back and cut halfway into each slice, in the center, creating a ‘pocket’ that your fruit mixture can be stuffed into.

In a bowl, place the room temperature cream cheese and three tablespoons of fruit spread of your choice. (I used all organic blueberry spread in the picture.) Combine well.

In a separate bowl, break 2 eggs; add cinnamon and milk and combine well.

Now, take fruit mixture and stuff into the ‘pockets’ of your french bread slices. Place on a baking sheet.

When done stuffing each piece of bread, completely coat each piece in egg mixture. Make sure all sides are covered. Do all pieces before starting to fry.

Put 2 tbsp (you can use less!) of butter into a hot skillet and melt completely. Add all of the bread to the skillet and cook roughly about 3-6 minutes on each side, until it reaches a nice golden brown. You want to make sure the cream cheese mixture heats through.

When done cooking, serve immediately with butter and syrup.


Alice Currah is the force behind Sweet Savory Life and Everyday Alice. She and her husband Rob are the proud parents of three children: Abbi, Mimi, and Elli. Alice is the winner of Saveur’s Cover Contest and is on the list of Eight of The Very Best Food Bloggers. All we’ll say is that we knew she was a winner way before they did.



Comments are closed for this recipe.

Melissa on 5.8.2010

I just made this wonderful recipe this morning, and my guests all said it almost reminded them of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. Must be the cream cheese and cinnamon… Anyway, very yummy! I’ll probably experiment with different fillings next time just to mix it up a bit!

Melissa on 5.7.2010

I just recently made this recipe. I couldn’t wait to try it! It’s…truly amazing. I didn’t even need to add syrup. I’m thinking of making it again tonight for a late night snack!

Darlene on 5.7.2010

Oh My Goodness! I wish I had not eaten already. This would be on the menu this evening. I love breakfast type fare anytime. Thanks for a beautiful presentation.

Heather on 5.6.2010

super fab. i could hardly get pictures of it before it was scarfed down!

Heather on 5.6.2010

Looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it.

Beth on 5.6.2010

I had a similar recipe but haven’t used it in years.

I think I’m going to have to try this one – and soon!

Profile photo of soufflebombay

soufflebombay on 5.6.2010

AND! I guess savory Sweet Life you took these pictures? They are amazing as is your adaptation! Thanks!

Profile photo of soufflebombay

soufflebombay on 5.6.2010

For Pete’s Sake!!!
I don’t like to mess with French Toast, like it made with Challa and basic…BUT this just looks incredible, I know what I am doing Sunday morning, honey, kids and waistline…get ready!!!

Thanks for a great post and I think Manda is one talented lady…her desserts are beautiful!

Charlotte on 5.5.2010

One of our favorite breakfasts ever was at a now-gone B&B featuring among other things – Brie filled french toast. I think I will be modifying this recipe to try a version of that – thanks for jogging my memory!

Profile photo of debrag

debrag on 5.5.2010

I made a test run of a similar recipe that I was thinking of making for church. The hubby and kiddos loved it. I made them for more than 40 folks tonight and they almost licked the plate! I also made some home made strawberry syrup to go over them.

nancy on 5.5.2010

love this!! try some buttermilk syrup on it..very yummy!

Theresa on 5.5.2010

My family makes an Eggnog Stuffed French Toast for Christmas and this looks almost as good. This would a great alternative when fresh eggnog isn’t available!

Carol Hebel on 5.5.2010

looks ABSOLUTELY delish. I tried something very similar to this recipe, but instead of cream cheese use mascarpone cheese and chocolate/hazelnut (you know, kinda like Nutella). I might just make it this weekend.

Grace on 5.5.2010

I made these yesterday for dessert and they were a hit with my family!

thehighlandviewpantry on 5.5.2010

Yummy – I would like to try it with mascapone cheese!

Kim on 5.5.2010

looks great but I’m wondering if it can be made ahead of time??

Profile photo of multiplydelicious

multiplydelicious on 5.5.2010

Oh my heavens! This looks absolutely amazing! Beautiful photo’s, really just amazing.

Lauren (in PA) on 5.5.2010

Being diabetic sucks! But…I may have to make this and just have a nibble!

Becky Bixler on 5.5.2010

Now I’m starving! Beautiful pictures!

Emily on 5.5.2010

This looks so yummy and so easy! I think I’ll request this as my Mother’s Day Breakfast!

Paula on 5.5.2010

I`ll do it cause it looks so great!

Profile photo of missyaytgim

missyaytgim on 5.5.2010

I am definitely going to be trying this in the near future.

Debbie in WA on 5.4.2010

Yum Manda, great recipe. Thanks for the beautiful pictorial, Alice. Super job – as usual!! Mother’s Day sounds like a perfect opportunity to present this tasty dish! So glad the strawberries are showing up at the market – love them!!

suma on 5.4.2010

Sinful,sinful indulgence.. Yumm!!

Lezlie Davis on 5.4.2010

I learned to make essentially the same recipe using one round pan of Hawaiian Sweet Bread (cut it down the center, then slice each half into four slices.

We first ate this on our honeymoon at the Country Sunshine Bed & Breakfast in Durango, Colorado. Absolutely awesome!

vicki in ga on 5.4.2010

I know the French toast is somewhere on my list of diet foods – oopsy, guess they forgot to add it!!!

Can’t wait to try the recipe – I’m drooling thinking about the cream cheese and berries. So many possibilities – it could be made with other fresh berries – I’m thinking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. ((While we’re at it – why is there a ‘p’ in raspberries?)

the inadvertent farmer on 5.4.2010

Hmmm almost enough to make a vegan convert…luscious! Kim

Profile photo of sweetebakes

sweetebakes on 5.4.2010

aaaand this is going to be made within the next 2 weekends!!

Donna on 5.4.2010

Wow…all of my favorite ingredients in a delicious bundle. I have got to try this recipe!

Profile photo of jjma808

jjma808 on 5.4.2010

AMAZING! This looks so tasty, i just want to eat your photo!

deb on 5.4.2010

Oh. Dear. God.

There are no words…….leaving for the grocer store right this minute.



Nate on 5.4.2010

HOLY COW! I’m making this tomorrow and then again every morning for the REST OF MY LIFE.

Crystal Wallace on 5.4.2010

Yummy! This sounds so good! I was thinking..(dangerous I know) what if you substituted Nutella for the cream cheese? YUMMY + CHOCOLATE!!!!!

Anne Conder on 5.4.2010


Cathy Herholdt on 5.4.2010

Can someone (other than my messy kids) make this for me on Mother’s Day, please?! My mouth is watering just looking at your pics, Alice! So glad Seattle has you!

gkey on 5.4.2010

Looks delish!
Sorry that most of the pix did not download for some reason, but I got the gist of it, and I saw enough to make me know I will try it soon…

jan on 5.4.2010

I love stuffed French Toast but I make it in the oven. Just mix the eggs milk and cinnamon and pur over the stuffed bread. Stick in the refrigerator and bake the next morning. Serve with the fresh strawberries.

Profile photo of Deborah

Deborah on 5.4.2010

I went to put that in my recipe box….and it was already there!
Soooo need to make this.

Julie on 5.4.2010

could you do it with a nice whole grain loaf?

Profile photo of I Just Love My Apron

I Just Love My Apron on 5.4.2010

I’ve never seen stuffed French toast before and now I have. Gorgeous and look so yummy! Fabulous photos and recipe.

Lindy on 5.4.2010

That looks amazing! I do have a question, is the bread you use sweet like a brioche?

Rachel on 5.4.2010

I have been wanting french toast! This looks really good!

Jeanette on 5.4.2010

YUM to the 10th degree!! My family would devour this :)

Kristin on 5.4.2010

I make this in my panini grill, and it is YUMMO! I always use strawberries & bananas with the cream cheese, but I’ve never added jam to the cheese. I’ll have to try that!

Whitney on 5.4.2010

These look AMAZING! can’t believe how simple they were! must try xx :) :)

Millys mini kitchen on 5.4.2010

wooooooow! this looks so good, i want to try it now! Definately one for a lazy sunday breakfast.

Jess on 5.4.2010

I made this recently, and it’s one of my favorite things to eat in the WHOLE WORLD. Even my super-picky daughter, who wouldn’t eat cream cheese in a million years if she knew it was in this, ate it all and asked for more.

Danielle on 5.4.2010

I think I need to make a trip to the store, these look sooooo good!!

Profile photo of Very Culinary

Very Culinary on 5.4.2010

Yes. Yes to all of it. Have mercy.

Lauren on 5.4.2010

This looks beautiful and delicious! I can’t wait to try it!