7 Reviews
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hcassara on 8.30.2011

made these last night… they were delicious!!!
i used my pancake pen to drizzle the batter since i don’t have a kitchen funnel. worked like a charm
tiffv on 7.3.2011

loved these! we easily fed 25 people with ‘individual’ size cakes. used the outdoor turkey deep fryer and it was perfect!! The kiddos at the party loved them (so did the adults!)
tjbaker on 11.12.2010

We loved this recipe. Perfect funnel cakes. Of course, I struggled getting the oil the right temp & pouring the batter. Didn’t matter, they tasted great anyway.
We ate ours with chocolate chips. I’ve also had them before with strawberries.

ALilBitofEverything on 5.19.2010

Awesome and so easy to make! The recipe makes several, I fed 6 “big” people, and 1 squirt at my house, plus sent 2 cakes over to the neighbors house. I bought a stainless funnel with a removable strainer at Rural King that works very well for drizzling the batter. I poured 1/2 c. batter through and held my finger over the end until I had the funnel positioned where I wanted it. These fry very quickly at the recommended temp. so make sure you don’t have the oil too hot. My taste buds are thankful for this recipe; my jeans–not so much!
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HeatherD on 8.26.2014
Came back 4 years later because I can’t find where I put my recipe! Glad everyone enjoyed the funnel cakes as much as we do!
La Abogada on 7.18.2010
delicious funnel cakes! i’ll never have to buy them again!
chrishamele on 5.7.2010
Can’t wait to make these this weekend! Gonna surprise my girls with it Sat morning. Will post a review….following the Sat nap!
tookies on 4.10.2010
I’ve actually been wondering lately how these things are made! I’m glad I have a basis for how to make them now instead of having to go out and get them!
chandani on 4.7.2010
love funnel cakes and the recipe seems so easy and simple will defiantly have to try.