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This amazing soup is sour, sweet and spicy all at the same time. The recipe I use is from the Northern city of Chiang Mai, where I took a wonderful cooking class this time last year. This soup not only makes me nostalgic for Southeast Asia, but also makes my feet feel a little itchy… I’m thinking it’s almost time to pick up a backpack again! Enjoy!! This only makes one serving, so it’s easy to double, triple, etc.
First, you want to make a spice sachet so all the lovely flavourings remain… We make a sachet so that you get the flavour without having all of the spices floating around in the soup. You’ll need some cheesecloth (two small squares layered on top of each other), string and for the spices:
1/2 stalk of bruised and chopped lemongrass
3-4 thin slices of galangal (or regular ginger if you don’t have galangal)
2 Kaffir lime leaves (or the zest of 3-ish limes if you can’t get the leaves… but you want the leaves, trust me!)
3-4 fresh bird eye (tiny) red chilis, crushed.
Throw all of these wonderful flavourings onto the cheesecloth, bundle it up and tie it with the string. Set aside for later!
Now, get a saucepan heated up on the stove. Bring the coconut milk/water mixture to a boil, and then add the spice sachet. Turn down the heat to a simmer.
Add the chicken, mushrooms and onions and simmer for about five minutes. Next, add the tomato. At this point, make sure the chicken is cooked through, and then taste. Season with fish sauce, sugar and lime juice (adjust seasoning according to your tastebuds).
When everything is cooked through (but not disintegrated- you still want to see the veggies in there!) serve immediately and garnish with a Thai basil chiffonade or fresh, chopped cilantro.
* You can leave out the chicken, add more veggies (especially eggplant- it works really well in this soup!) or add shellfish (with lobster, it is divine) or other kinds of meat. This is a very versatile dish!
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nglalala on 4.29.2010
A local Thai restaurant that had the best tom ka closed recently… I was so sad. I decided to try out this recipe and it’s delicious! It tasted just like the restaurant’s! I’m so glad I was able to find this!