3 Reviews
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anneegirl on 2.6.2011

While I love spaghetti squash and PW, this was not my favorite. I was really excited about it, but it just seemed like it was missing a kick. I’d love to know how to add some punch to it. Texture and smell was lovely though!

egyptianprincess on 12.11.2010

I made this last week for my Sister and BIL and it was a hit, though the two people who loved it the most was my 11 month old baby and my 9 month old nephew! It was so easy it inspired my sister to try making spaghetti squash again (her first attempt was a disaster). Thanks!

cmigoforth on 11.2.2010

This was my first spaghetti squash experience. It had a great flavor with the onions, syrup and nutmeg, but I’m not sure I cooked the squash long enough. It was a little crunchy. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be or not, but I’m willing to try it again, even if my kids won’t.
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Katie on 10.27.2010
I always pass by the spaghetti squash in the grocery store and wonder what they taste like. I need to stop pondering and buy one! This looks incredible.