The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
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Easy Carmel Oven Popcorn

5.00 Mitt(s) 2 Rating(s)2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5



Level: Easy




Sweet and crisp, *the* perfect snack for Fall weather – or anytime. Great for movies, football games, and even a little something special to pack in a lunchbag. =) Convenient because it can be made ahead of time and keeps well!


  • 12 cups Popped Popcorn
  • 1-½ cup Peanuts OR Pecans, Optional
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar, Packed
  • ½ cups Butter
  • ¼ cups Light Corn Syrup
  • ½ teaspoons Salt
  • ½ teaspoons Baking Soda


1. Preheat oven 350F.
2. Airpop popcorn, if desired, into large metal bowl. The bagged stuff works just fine, too, if you’d rather use that. Sprinkle nuts over top (optional).
3. Stir brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat, until bubbly. Cook 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in baking soda.
4. Pour the sauce over the popcorn in the metal bowl (you can also divide the popcorn between a couple of cake pans, if you prefer). Stir until everything is well-coated.
5. Bake for 30 minutes, stirring after 15 minutes. Enjoy hot (yum!), or allow to cool and then store in an airtight container or bags.

This is great to pack for travel, games, school, gifts, you name it. It rarely lasts more than a day around here, but it keeps well at least a week if you store it airtight, so you can make it ahead of time!

One Comment

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Profile photo of Kristiyn

Kristiyn on 6.23.2013

If you are reading reviews and comments to decide if you want to make this, the answer is YES!! Please make this. It’s not hard to make and the payoff is staggering. One things I wanted to share with people about to make this is please remember to shift through your freshly popped corn to remove up popped or only partially popped kernels. It just makes eating this stuff by the handful later less perilous. Also, I was out of pecans so I added sliced almonds instead and nearly died with delight. Next time I plan to add both almonds and pecans. Do this thing!! Your taste buds will thank you even if your waistline won’t. ^_^

2 Reviews

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Profile photo of Kristiyn

Kristiyn on 6.23.2013

My friend who is a cook said this is technically butterscotch corn because it is made with brown sugar. I told her she clearly did not have enough of it in her mouth. This stuff is SO amazing. It’s like an even more delicious form of PoppyCock and is gone like lightening. THANK YOU FOR THIS!

Profile photo of Java Girl

Java Girl on 11.18.2011

Loved this recipe… we didn’t bake it because we were too hungry, it is fantastic!

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