35 Reviews
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Mrs. Farnsworth on 7.11.2018

We buy a bunch of boneless skinless chicken thighs on sale and use this marinade on them and then freeze them and use them for lunches. We’ve done this recipe as is and it’s great. We’ve subbed the brown sugar for stevia and it’s great. Subbed soy for the terriyaki. We’ve subbed actual mustard for the dried. Tip for the ginger, keep a root of it in the freezer then just grate the little bit you need then put it back in the freezer. Makes it easier to grate and it lasts forever and tastes just as fresh. Thanks for this great recipe!
leeny on 9.22.2012

I’m in the minority here, but we did not care for this. It may be that we like the taste of the meat instead of marinade. You really couldn’t tell there was meat flavor. It was very strong and overpowered the flavor of the steaks. If you really like marinade or steak sauce with your meat you may love this, as so many do. My kids wouldn’t eat it and I threw over half of my steak away. That never happens around here.

Sweet Anna's on 8.28.2011

LOVE this marinade! I will definitely be making this one again! Thank you!!!
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themomdept on 1.26.2014
Thanks everyone for the great feedback!
nurse2bake on 2.27.2011
The best marinade ever!! And sooo good on chicken.
idahosunshine on 2.14.2011
out of this world delicious. WIll definitely be a staple in the house!
triadtastebud on 2.14.2011
This recipe looks awesome! It has been my experience that anything with that Montreal Seasoning is absolutely AMAZING! That, along with the fresh ginger, makes me long for the grilling days of summer even more! Will def have to try this!
mnox1 on 1.7.2011
We used your recipe today on chicken and it was wonderful. The only thing we deviated on was using Wildtree Ranchers Steak Rub in place of the Montreal Steak Spice. We had the chicken on pizza and I swear it was the best pizza ever.