6 Reviews
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Ashlee on 1.31.2014

These pancakes are amazing! Very light and lemony. I have made them more times than I can count. I add blueberries to them and they really hold their own, even without syrup!

Lynnelle Brown on 9.5.2013

Yum! These were delicious. I used buttermilk and added blueberries to them. Perfect.

rachelhockey on 11.6.2010

Great pancakes, the ricotta makes them very light and moist and there is a great lemon essence to them. Thanks for the recipe!
wickedcookie on 10.13.2010

I used a meyer lemon, buttermilk and my pancake puff pan. They were delicious! We had ours with a little honey and a touch of cream.
ziggerbean on 8.6.2010

These are fabulous and I agree that they do melt in your mouth. I served them with a homemade raspberry sauce which was wonderful with the lemon. This will definitely go in my favorites.
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ambrosefamily on 9.30.2010
I love anything with ricotta…trying these for breakfast tomorrow!
Mistymtl on 3.2.2010
I made those over the weekend and they where AMAZING! So moist. I added some poppy seeds and served them with my lemon cannoli filling and they where a huge hit!
Angi on 1.16.2010
It doesn’t get better than this!! We made them on whim because we had lemons and ricotta on hand, and this is a favorite now. We added poppyseeds, but this recipe is a keeper! To prove how good they were, my kids (toddlers) ate about twice as much as usual. Even my picky princess ate a full one by herself!
BluebonnetGal on 9.16.2009
This is one of my favorites to have when we go to NYC. I love them at Sarabeth’s there and these are close to the ones I’ve eaten there many times. Love them! Thanks for the recipe!
beebock on 8.28.2009
My husband once emailed this recipe to me and I thought he was crazy. It has been one of our favorites for some time now. We like them with honey drizzled over the top.