The Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen
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Deliciously Dandy Ding Dongs

5.00 Mitt(s) 5 Rating(s)5 votes, average: 5.00 out of 55 votes, average: 5.00 out of 55 votes, average: 5.00 out of 55 votes, average: 5.00 out of 55 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5



Level: Easy




Delightful? Divine? De-lovely? Decidedly dangerous!


  • 1 whole Recipe For Chocolate Cake Batter
  • ½ whole Recipe For 7 Minute Frosting
  • ½ bars Gulf Wax (that's 2 Oz), Chopped
  • 12 ounces, weight Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 6 ounces, weight Milk Chocolate Chips
  • 6 ounces, weight White Chocolate Chips


Before embarking on this journey, please know that you are about to make a giant mess in your kitchen. You will have more dirty dishes than you can shake a stick at. It is much easier to go down to the store and buy a box of Hostess Ding Dongs, and probably cheaper as well.

Preheat your oven to 350F. Grease and flour your cupcake pans.

Make your favorite chocolate cake recipe. I ALWAYS use the recipe on the back of the Hershey’s Cocoa Box because it is always there and it is that good. Also, it is the one my mom ALWAYS used. Go Hershey!

Fill each cupcake well halfway to the top, instead of the usual 2/3rds. You want the cakes to be flat on top. Bake all of the mix and completely cool the cupcakes on wire racks. Be ready to chase the occasional stray kid/husband from the kitchen with a wooden spoon. They will try everything to get at those chocolate cakes.

When you have cleaned up that mess, begin your 7-Minute Frosting. If you haven’t made it before, read up and prepare yourself. I use the Joy of Cooking’s recipe for 7 Minute Frosting. Once again, feel free to use your own favorite. Only make half of the recipe, as you will not be needing very much. Once the frosting has come to room temperature, spoon into a pastry bag fitted with a medium-sized star tip.

Line a couple of rimmed baking sheets with parchment or silpat and set aside. In the top of a completely cooled cupcake, insert the tip of the pastry bag about halfway and squeeze in some frosting. Stop when it begins to bulge. If you go too far down, the frosting will probably burst out the bottom. Don’t worry, though. The mistakes can still be covered in chocolate! Place cupcakes on lined sheets frosting side up.

Now, clean up that mess and continue to chase away those pesky kids with a wooden spoon. In the top of a double boiler set over medium heat, melt the chopped paraffin completely. Add the chocolates and stir until smooth and heavenly. Think Willy Wonka’s chocolate river. Remove from heat and begin dipping. Place each cupcake into the chocolate, insertion side up. Push down on all sides so that the chocolate comes over the top a little. Don’t cover the frosting hole with chocolate. Remove from its bath with a couple of forks and flip it insertion side down onto your prepped sheets. When they are all finished, place in the fridge to set. By the time you are finally finished cleaning up the war zone, you will be able to sample a homegrown ding dong! That will be the only one you get, because your husband and your children are professional ding dong devourers.

I would think they would be very cute wrapped in foil.


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Profile photo of flash08

flash08 on 3.3.2012

I too, promise to hand out the mitts as soon as I make these for my Easter baskets! Thanks.

Profile photo of sugahchef

sugahchef on 3.13.2011

I am so looking forward to making these this week! I need to make “hockey pucks” for a varsity hockey team banquet, so after the coating sets they will get embellished with the team’s logo and player’s number. And I refuse to bake or glaze them in a house where they will get attached before the banquet (other than by me). Instead of using cupcakes I will be using a sheet pan and biscuit cutter…so I’m sure we’ll find something “interesting” to make with the scraps! Thanks for such a great recipe!

Profile photo of

on 6.22.2010

So many adoring fans and no mitts? Blasphemy! When I make these, and I will, I will review you like there’s no tomorrow and by golly, I’m betting there will be 5 mitts up there!

Profile photo of Dori

Dori on 5.4.2010

These were absolutely amazing! So tasty! I didn’t use the 7 minute icing recipe for the filling, I found a recipe for homemade twinkies and used the filling recipe for that in these. That is the only change I made.. I had people fighting over them last night.

Profile photo of goaheadbakemyday

goaheadbakemyday on 1.29.2010

Makes 36 servings?? Okay, that’s my portion. But what will my guests eat? Hee hee. They look AMAZING!

5 Reviews

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Profile photo of 4hmom

4hmom on 4.5.2013

Have made these twice now. They are wonderful and delicious. The hardest part was sqirting the white frosting inside the cupcake because the tip in my bag wanted to push back into the icing bag. I would encourage anyone to try these, as they are not difficult, they just take a little time.

Profile photo of brigetta00

brigetta00 on 8.31.2011

These are amazing. Seriously.

Profile photo of

on 6.9.2011

OMG! These are the best things to come out of my kitchen in a long time! I love your recipes! You ought to have your own cookbook!

Profile photo of 2ndCareerNurse

2ndCareerNurse on 2.7.2011

These were fun to make and sooo good! Even my daughter, who will not eat cake, liked them.

Profile photo of kiki00star

kiki00star on 8.11.2010

I made these for neighbors for Christmas. Wow! What a hit! They also were quite easy to make (even if they were a mess). And I think I ate way too many of them myself instead of giving them away.

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