7 Reviews
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food4friends on 8.14.2014

I followed the advice of other reviewers, and added more rice crispies. Also, toasted my pecans, because that is my preference. Doubled the recipe, so used a 10 x 13 inch pan, lined with foil that I sprayed with cooking spray for easier removal from the pan. If you do that, then they really should be chilled for more than an hour. Took them to a dinner for the local junior college football team. Didn’t see any left on the plates.

Courtney McConnell on 6.29.2011

I made these for my boyfriend…got bonus points for these. Brought in some for coworkers…the guys in the office devoured them. Man approved treat! Thanks ladies!

mel15brk on 5.2.2011

I made these just a snack yesterday and they were wonderful. I did leave our the pecans ( a personal taste) and I also felt they needed a few more rice krispies so I added another cup. Overall these were very easy to make and everyone loved them.

Sarah - The Accidental Okie on 4.4.2011

These were great! I’m gluten free and didn’t want to buy an expensive box of g.f. rice cereal so I used corn Chex instead and they turned out great! Like some of the other reviewers, I also added more cereal and more pecans. They were delicious, rich and made the perfect-sized batch!
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blessed2bhome on 3.7.2011
My son and I made these last night and they were very yummy! At least thats what my guys thought, and I knew they would like them based on the ing. We did add more rice crispies to the wet ingredients, as it seemed it could handle more, say maybe 1 c. extra and they were GREAT!!