One Review
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Katharine R Christie on 11.5.2012

I’m going to be honest here. This did not work for me at all. The fudge did not set up and I ended up with a huge gooey if tasty mess.
To be fair I did modify the recipe some but only in terms of what I’d learned about fudge making elsewhere and that part went fine.
The main problem is simply one of physics. It was a bigger batch of fudge than what I’m used to making. There was more of it and the molasses made it a thicker candy to deal with. I tried to stir it with a wooden spoon and there was literally blisters on my pinkies before the fudge had matted properly. I let it set up in the fridge all night and no improvement at all. I considered rolling it into candy balls instead of square pieces but they melted right back.
I gave a rating of three mittens because overall I think it’s a good recipe and a neat concept. It was just a question of equipment in the end.
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kella on 12.22.2009
yummy yummy yummy!
bad news: someone found my hidden stash of this.