One Review
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WestieMom on 6.5.2014

I made these when my daughter & son-in-law came for the weekend. We all loved them, but my son-in-law REALLY loved them! (He even took a few for the drive back home.) I used a small cookie scoop to make the chocolate chip cookie dough balls and it made enough for about twice as many cupcakes; so I froze the extra cookie dough balls and can’t wait to use them again in either another batch of these cupcakes or in brownies or homemade ice cream…..or – and let’s be honest here – just eat them straight from the freezer! They are good The frosting recipe is excellent as well. The only issue I’ve noticed with recipes that call for cake mixes is the change in package size – the traditional size was 18.25 oz. and the sneaky buggers have down-sized (like everything these days) to about 16.25 oz! It didn’t seem to make a difference – maybe a bit more dense/moist and that’s the way my family likes their cakes anyway. Thanks for this recipe!
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