4 Reviews
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westcoastswedishgirl on 10.30.2011

Oven at 200 degrees, and stuck these in for 3 minutes, which was the perfect amount of time, just warm enough to allow for a candy corn to be squished into, and not warm enough to melt all over or change shape (they squished down, but didn’t splurge out all over, stayed nicely on top of pretzel). Made a few batches as part of the treat bags for my son’s team. Easy, fun, bite size, great idea, thanks!

mimi2quads on 10.17.2011

My granddaughter and I made these together at a family reunion this past weekend. They were a hit! Just the right mix of sweet and salty!

The Suzzzz on 10.2.2011

Cute idea, my nieces and nephews had fun making them and they tasted good. The problem was that I preheated the oven to 350 and set the timer for 5 minutes, I checked them at the 3 minute mark and they had completely melted into a huge mess. We scraped that whole pan into a bowl and let it cool then broke it into pieces. We put parchment down on another tray and made up another batch and only heated the oven to 200 and only left them in for about 3 minutes and they came out better. It was much easier to clean up with the parchment.
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4littleFergusons on 10.4.2011
Aww, shoot, thats too bad! I will make a note on the recipe. Ours worked fine, strange. Every oven is different I suppose!
The Suzzzz on 9.30.2011
I am babysitting some of my nieces and nephews tonight and I like to keep them busy with a project when they are over, I think I’ll do this with them.