5 Reviews
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Stephanie on 8.31.2012

This was so delicious! This dish has a lovely lemon flavor and IMO doesn’t need any maple syrup. The ricotta adds a flavor that is slightly reminiscent to what you find in cheesecake. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

free to be me on 12.19.2011

I first made this several months ago and forgot to log on and comment. It was one of those situations where I was wondering around on TK, read the recipe, and knew I should make it right then! It was completely delish! I actually made it with blackberries because I had a store-bought bag of them in the freezer. i love how bright the lemon flavor. As Claire shared above, I also think it tastes great warm or cold. I am a freak for tons of powdered sugar, so I shake extra onto my slices. I also have heated up maple syrup and after dusting (read: covering) with the powdered sugar, I drizzle hot maple syrup on top. It helps to bring a sweetness to balance out the tart citrus flavors. This would be a great breakfast to share with family over the holidays. Affordable and easy.

Claire on 8.19.2011

I LOVE this and have made it two or three times now: for company and for my mom for Mother’s Day! It was delicious both straight out of the oven and leftover even when chilled. It is bookmarked in my “favorites” section forever and always.

rachelhockey on 6.3.2011

I politely asked my husband to make this for my mom and myself on Mother’s Day. It was delicious! Couldn’t have asked for a tastier breakfast. We had golden syrup but found the light dusting of powdered sugar to give it the perfect sweetness. There were two pieces leftover that we ate cold when we got home from church and they were (almost) just as good as when it came out of the oven.
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free to be me on 6.4.2011
i am going to target right now to buy the ingredients i need to make this—i’m super excited!!!!!!! hopefully mine will turn out as yummy as yours looks
I will let you know!
irissilvermoon on 5.9.2011
Made this today for mom’s day! came out super delicious! we used buttermilk syrup for the topping.
also we added a bit of sugar (2 T) and a pinch of cream of tartar to the egg whites while beating them to help form the peaks.
Totally forgot the powdered sugar for the top and couldn’t find any raw sugar at the store, will have to try that next time!
familyof5 on 5.7.2011
Oh my gosh- Is drool bad for my keyboard?
Jeanne (aka NanaBread) on 5.6.2011
This looks and sounds so wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us. Can’t wait to dig into it!
caramichele on 5.6.2011
This is absolutely lovely! I need to host a brunch just so I can make it!