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Ever tried to have an adult conversation with a chunk of dry, gaggy cornbread in your mouth? You know … the kind that sticks to the back of your throat, causing you ask for refills of water? Not anymore, my friend! Introducing a pleasingly moist cornbread that causes your little ones to smile and look at you as if you’re THE. BEST. COOK. IN. THE. WORLD. Impresses your mother-in-law too!
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Butter a square baking dish.
Sift the dry ingredients (cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt) into a mixing bowl. Add the milk, egg and butter, and beat until combined and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
Pour into the greased pan and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown on top.
Serve with warm butter, honey, jam, or apple butter.
Hang up your apron with a smile, for you have just discovered a cornbread recipe so moist that you just might refer to it as cornbread cake!
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mav804 on 5.4.2010
Very yummy! My son and I almost ate the whole pan! He is four and very picky, so that is saying something!
sundayrain on 3.26.2010
honey…such a good idea!
violarulz on 3.17.2010
yum! and I even forgot the sugar somehow (I was too hungry/tired to be cooking anyway) and drizzled honey all over the top of the cornbread right when it came out of the oven so that it baked in. I’m sure it would be even better if I hadn’t jacked it up!
violarulz on 3.16.2010
mmmm, I’m making this to go with dinner! I just bought a 5 lb. sack of corn meal for polenta-ing with later in the week and need to justify buying the big sack with something other than “Buying in bulk is cheaper!” to my partner.
sundayrain on 2.15.2010
how cute!…a fluffy bunny. I will go to bed smiling, thinking about a 4 year old’s analogy. Awww….