29 Reviews
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Cathy Bray on 10.26.2018

This recipe really surprised me! Right before I put it in the oven I thought that it looked too flat and that there was no way it was going to work, but with the high heat and the steam it puffed up so BIG! It was beautiful! Right before I put it in the oven I dusted with flour and scored a picture of a wheat stem with a razor and it looked so pretty! This is going in my keeper file. Thank you for the recipe!!
gkmama on 8.19.2013

I have been using this recipe weekly for the past 3 years and it never gets old and always turns out great! This is the one that brings me back to this site time and time again! Thanks so much for posting this amazingly easy and delicious recipe!!!

cherylovesfood on 4.30.2012

Thank you so much! This recipe (& all the comments) got me started on my adventures in bread making, some of which have gone much better than others. This is my no fail recipe which has earned me numerous compliments (one from a cousin who is a chef). Thank you again!

sarablaire on 2.29.2012

So happy that you posted this recipe. Its so simple, and so yummy! We’ll definitely be making this often.

Bridget on 8.31.2011

Holy cow! I’ve never made bread before so I was nervous, but it was sooo easy!!! Some of the best bread I’ve ever had! Next time I’m going to try adding some rosemary or some good cheese.
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QueenOfHerKitchen on 12.8.2013
Just popping in to say I have made this bread about a million times (Okay not a million, but almost…) and consider it one of my go to simple recipes for something yummy and easy to make. It’s hard to wait the 12-18 hours to bake it, but so worth it. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
joynh on 9.16.2012
Warning it must be instant yeast! If you Use regular it is very watery…but I’m still going to bake it!
culinarygoddess on 5.9.2011
I can’t wait to try this! I hope it is as good as it looks.
grannib on 4.25.2011
This sounds like a winner, this will be the recipe I use, love recipes with few ingredients.
trayszee on 4.21.2011
Just MAGNIFICENT!! Yes, it looks gloopy and just doesn’t seem right BUT IT IS! I will say…..I made this in my dutch oven and before putting in the ingredients, I warmed my pan up so that it sat on the stove and my dutch oven kept it a nice warm temp for hours. Also, I didn’t turn it out onto the counter right before baking….I tipped it a little, sprinkled flour under it and then I just kept rolling it UNDER (like petting a dog’s head)….around and under…..several times..right there in the pan….it really looked beautiful and I didn’t have a smidge of flour on my counter
Guess what?? I’ve got another one on the stove for tomorrow morning
Thank you!!