2 Reviews
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greeleygirl on 11.3.2011

I’m embarrassed to admit that this fall is the first time I’ve ever tried butternut squash. I first made a soup, fell in love, and have moved on. This puree is so simple and rich! I’m hard pressed to decide if it should be a dessert type food or a side dish type food. I’m thinking both! At least that’s what happened when I made it: Ate it as a side dish, more for dessert when I cleaned up the dishes. A great way to introduce butternut to skeptics, even kids. Very good, smooth consistency. No chunks or strings to turn off a picky eater.

milkwithknives on 10.18.2010

Oh, TERRIFIC way to prepare squash. I have eaten roasted squash a million times, but for some reason have never thought to mash/puree it. Well this is how I’ll do it from now on. There’s just something about the texture and the flavor of the maple syrup that really throws it over the top. Winter squash has now gone from “occasionally enjoyable” to “somebody feed this to me right now.”
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Stacy Makes Cents on 1.15.2010
dessmith on 12.2.2009
Followed this to the t! Smooth and delicious.
colmom on 12.1.2009
Don’t you hate it when people review a recipe and say they changed this quantity and that ingredient? But, unfortunately, that is what I did.
I did not have any butternut squash on hand. In fact my garden this year gave me no winter squashes! But what I did have was a cooked jack-o-lantern pumpkin. So I used it instead of the squash.
This is a wonderful dish!! Just a hint of the maple flavor and sweetness along with the rich butter flavor. It was a hit and I intend to use up more of that pumpkin to make this again, soon!