4 Reviews
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Kelly on 10.16.2012

Just made this and was so excited to see it. But it fell flat in the machine! what did i do wrong?
kender3 on 8.27.2011

For the last twelve years, we’ve pulled out the bread machine every three years or so trying to make a decent loaf. And failed. Every time. Until now. I’m amazed. I’ve already made two loaves–today. Thank you!

lindsey on 12.3.2010

Made this today in my bread machine and it is fantastic! Thank you so much for the recipe. This will be replacing my usual bread recipe
pilgrimsoul on 7.22.2010

Despite repeated efforts, I am not very good at baking bread. It’s either too dense, like a rock (don’t ask), or too mushy. I’ve made this bread three times now, and each time it has been perfect! Not too sweet, perfect texture, and it was so easy! Highly recommended.
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Bekka on 3.18.2010
I made this yesterday in my bread machine. I do not get along with my bread machine. It always makes my crust too crunchy. User-error aside, this bread was wonderful! My kids and I devoured it in 5 minutes or less. I am making it again today, except this time I’m baking it in the oven after my bread machine does all the hard work. I can’t wait!