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Make your own delicious vanilla extract!
Slice 3 vanilla beans into 1 inch pieces.
In a jar large enough to hold 1 1/2 cups liquid, add beans and vodka or brandy.
Ensure lid is tight and let sit for 6-8 weeks.
Three times a week, shake the mixture.
The liquid will turn a dark amber color when it is ready.
When you have used up half the extract, add enough alcohol again to cover the beans.
The vanilla bean flavor will be gone when the alcohol no longer turns a dark amber color.
Yields 1 1/2 cups extract. Serving size is approximate – depends on how often you use extract!
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lovejoy229 on 8.21.2010
Where do you get your bottles?
jackiestaylor on 9.15.2009
Thanks! Do you find a taste difference between vodka and brandy? which is better??
Heather on 8.9.2009
Thank you! I have been looking for a recipe like this. I can’t wait to make it.