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Peach slices preserved in local honey, ready for winter!
Prepare for canning. Wash the jars and flat lids with hot, soapy water. Put the jars in the canning pot and fill the pot with hot water. Heat over medium-high heat to keep the jars hot. Place the lids in a heat-proof bowl.
Wash and pit the peaches. Cut into thin slices, approximately 1/2″ thick.
Combine the honey, sugar and water in a medium saucepan over low heat. Heat until the sugar is dissolved, stirring regularly.
Move some of the boiling water from the canning pot into the heat-proof bowl containing the lids. Line the hot jars up on a folded towel, then pour the water out of the heat-proof bowl and off the lids.
Pack the peach slices into the jars up to 1/2″ below the rim. Carefully pour the honey syrup over the peaches so that it comes to 1/4” below the rim. Use a chopstick around the inside edges of the jar to get out the air bubbles (don’t use metal, you may scratch the jars and cause them to crack during processing!).
Use a clean towel to wipe any syrup off the rims, then top each jar with a lid and a tightened ring. Place the jars back in the canning pot and make sure they are covered by at least 1 inch of water. Bring to a boil and process for 25 minutes. Place the jars on a folded towel and allow to sit, undisturbed, for 24 hours. Check the seals of the lids after 1 hour. If a seal has not formed, refrigerate the jar immediately.
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candela59 on 5.27.2012
I live in an area famous for its peaches and would like to try this recipe. I was wondering what size jars are you using. The picture looks like a pint… but it’s hard to tell. Thanks! ~Peggy
aimsyfrench on 8.9.2011
Maybe I’m a dunce, but what exactly is “local honey”? Is it the same as regular honey one would buy at the store?
hscukanec on 8.8.2011
How many jars does this make?