It’s been a long time coming! Since launching Tasty Kitchen last summer, I’ve been working on getting the Tasty Kitchen blog up and running, so I can communicate with users more easily, highlight delicious recipes, and—the best part—feature the awesomely creative Tasty Kitchen members. Members like Angie Arthur, who created the delicious Candy Cane Treats […]
Around this time of the year, appetizers, gift trays or baskets, and meal plans get a lot of attention. Drinks? Sometimes they’re an afterthought. Or sometimes we just default to the standard fare we get at the store. The planning that goes into it pretty much involves figuring out how many bags of ice […]
This Sunday is not only Valentine’s Day. It’s also Chinese New Year—the Year of the Tiger! Since the Chinese calendar is based on the solar and lunar patterns, every year the holiday falls on a different day. Luckily, the color red is popular for both Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year. It’s good luck […]
Most folks pretty much know what today is (a neighborhood pub here has been counting the days down since … November last year, I think). But as I started putting this post together, I realized that there must be more to discover about Irish cuisine and culinary history than the ubiquitous corned beef and […]
Today, we’re going to feature some of our recipes here that could potentially find their way to your Passover table (like Ree’s Passover Brisket above), or your Easter celebration (like the Easy Easter Egg Bird Nests from taracooks, also in the photo above). And no, we’re not going to accomplish this dual-themed post with […]
Many of you who are the organized, early planners probably have your Easter feast all figured out already, down to napkin colors, wine selection and which unlucky person has to sit next to crazy Uncle Teddy. Then there are some of us who frantically throw things together at the last minute, hopping around the […]
You might think I’m a little early for 4th of July, but there’s another holiday in between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. Yes, it’s Flag Day! As if I needed an excuse, June 14th is another day to celebrate with food, though no chicken, pork chops or steak—just delicious desserts. I figured […]